Thursday, June 6, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 06/06/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 06/06/2024

Member: Good Morning- it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

Member: Remembring D Day and all the brave men and women who fought for our freedom today.

Member: D-Day, June 6, 1944, marks a pivotal moment in history when courage and sacrifice changed the course of World War II

Member: Remember the Catsup commercial that took forever to get any Catsup with song Anticipation playing?

Member: That is us- waiting for the RV and Nesara

Member: Mark give us your opinion will this be over this year?

Member: If it works like it did in Kuwait-will they release the rate before they post it ?

MZ: But with the interconnectivity and the internet-it would make more sense to do it exactly the same time.

Member: Are Bondholders & Whales still beached in Reno ?

Member: Is this our week Mark?

MZ: I have been looking close to the 9th based on what I am hearing…….but no one knows the timing.  I was expecting more bond movement this week although the chatter has been excellent on the historic bonds.

Member: Unfortunately chatter doesn’t pay bills or saves the world.

Member: If German bonds are worth more than anticipated- is it reasonable to believe that rates will be higher than expected?

MZ: It’s certainly possible and reasonable to think that. .

MZ: I do have a number of bond people that have been waiting all week.  They woke up to messages today saying their appointments were changed to around 10AM on Monday now. They expect full payout. This means they expect money movement this weekend. We shall see.

Member: Well that sucks. Bond folks have to be very frustrated.

MZ: I was really hoping to have the first guaranteed and confirmed, slam dunk bond payment this week. But I still have a few MIA bond folks…where they have turned off their devices….goes straight to voicemail.

Member: People that don’t think a reset is possible. They don’t understand the debt to GDP ratio

Member: Saudi Arabia is expected to announce that it will cease all oil sales in US dollars, marking the end of the 50-year Petrodollar Pact signed on June 6, 1974, which expires on June 9, 2024

Member: Sunday may be a big day for us.

Member: With June 9th Saudi Araba dropping support of the Petro Dollar, and the impact on all global trade settlements I think it is safe to say the USD has run out of gas.

Member: A friend got a letter from the IRS that stated that they were not going to pursue her back taxes because of a major restructure of the IRS~!

MZ: There has been a tremendous cleanup in politics in Vietnam  recently.

Member: Lots of cleaning up happening here in South African politics.

Member: praying this our golden weekend- retirement would be awesome

​​Member: Each day is a life of Euphoric moments just know it's round the corner not a long mile at all.

Mr. Cottrell joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his thoughts and information

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