Friday, June 7, 2024

Ariel :what’s happening, 8 JUNE

 Ariel :what’s happening

Anyway aside from this whatever news we have something noteworthy coming up. The end of the Petrodollar on June 9th. Which means the chickens will come home to roost. Because all transactions will be dealt with through oil contracts in national currency. 

This will empower Iraq to denominate all contracts or trade deals in their currency. Which will raise the value significantly. Remember once we are officially on the gild standard the National Dept will be on the fiat USD. 

Not the new US Treasury Bills. But even without that we still have 45 states that made gold/silver legal tender exempt from any taxes. This is documented.

So whatever is going on with the National Debt will be for the old regime. That's not our money. We will phase those old Federal Reserve notes out for new currency eventually.

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