Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Union Of Arab Banks Proposes 4 “Important” Points For Iraqi Banks To Meet Compliance Standards, 7 MAY

 The Union Of Arab Banks Proposes 4 “Important” Points For Iraqi Banks To Meet Compliance Standards

Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Monday, the Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Banks, Wissam Al-Futouh, presented four proposals to confront Iraqi banks with compliance standards and stimulate their relationship with correspondent banks.

Al-Futuh said, in his speech during the conference “The Challenges Facing Arab Banks in Complying with State Laws and Legislation and Meeting the Requirements of Correspondent Banks,” that “the financial and banking challenges that Iraq has suffered recently are many, despite the efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq,” considering that “Iraqi banks deal With a complex network.

He added, "The Arab region is going through fateful dangers resulting from wars and other political conflicts, and this conflict would increase the risks of uncertainty in the prospects of the Middle East and North Africa, resulting in severe economic impacts on many Arab countries."

Al-Futuh proposed a set of points for Iraqi banks to meet compliance standards, stimulate their relationships with correspondent banks, and enhance confidence in Iraqi banks, including: “Iraqi banks must invest in strong infrastructure.”

He continued: The other thing is adopting advanced technology, which leads to changing the rules of the game in the field of compliance, as there are many programs that rely on artificial intelligence to help analyze data and comply.

As for the third matter, Al-Futuh focused on “the necessity of adopting the principle of transparency in banking operations and preparing financial reports, to build sustainable trust with the international community,” pointing out that “the last and most important matter is the preparation of a comprehensive national plan for capacity development, training and qualification, especially in the field of compliance with... During the establishment of a committee under the name of the National Committee for Capacity Development, Training and Qualification, which will be in cooperation between the Union of Arab Banks and the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, under the supervision of the Central Bank of Iraq.

He pointed out, “The tasks of this committee also include 4 important points. The first revolves around training and qualification of Arab cadres and capacity building on the subject of compliance, while the second revolves around providing advice and support and choosing a compliance program specific to each bank.

The third point “represents the formation of a continuous force of influence to develop Iraqi banks’ relations with international bodies, especially the American ones.” The fourth point is “documenting policies and internal controls for banking compliance.”

Views 166   05/06/  https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=43180

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