Friday, May 3, 2024



  Some of the bigger points we see inside the Iraqi dinar community such as, 'Let them reinstate the exchange rate to $3.22 the old rate.

 That's not the old rate. That's been a myth for a long time...The $3.22 rate was there but that was not the one they left when it became a devalued currency. It was something like $1.52.  The other one [myth] is the

hydrocarbon law that once it passes then the Iraq citizens are going to get payments. They're not going to get payments.  Read the law, nowhere does it say they're going to get payments.

Community comment "Parliament doesn't have to vote on a budget..."

 They do whenever you make  amendments or changes...If you're going to change something in there you have to vote on the amendments...  Community Question "So  you're saying if they're gonna change the exchange rate on a budget they have to vote on it?"  That's correct.  Yes.  

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