Sunday, May 26, 2024


 Thurs. 23 May 2024 Happy Welsh Guy

  • Tony is quite correct the RV will happen soon, but not yet. This is what is really happening. There is a carefully, orchestrated plan in effect, that is being meticulously monitored.
  • Tier # 1 and Tier # 2 is currently being financially hydrated.
  • When this is completed to the satisfaction of the Alliance then and only then will Tier # 3 be financially hydrated.
  • When Tier 3 is completed to the satisfaction of the Alliance then and only then will Tier # 4 (US) the internet group be financially hydrated.
  • Everything is currently “On Track” and moving to expectation.
  • If everything continues to expectation, then Tier # 4 should be financially on or about JUNE 15th with a back wall of July 4th.
  • It is “NOT” going to happen today, tomorrow or this month. However, Tony is right. It will be our time soon. Nothing will stop this except for a 911 type event.
  • My source actually sits on a special committee formatted for the very specific purpose of the timing of the revaluation to take place.
  • June 15th is not that far away so remain patient and be in expectation

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