Sunday, May 5, 2024



When the float starts all heck is going to break loose because the value of your currency will literally climb on a daily basis until the CBI feels they have reached the real effective exchange rate...We believe they will start at $1.30 to $1.50 IMO and the cap it somewhere between $3.86 and $4.25.

 Article: "Specialist: Floating the dinar is economic suicide "

  Economists are saying to the Iraqi citizens that a flotation is detrimental whereas the CBI Saleh, the advisor, the Financial Ministers, all these people are saying the complete opposite, 'we're about to float...why do you think we have all this stuff set up?  Why are we following international laws? Why do you think we're article VIII?  Why do you think we're going to be WTO is 7 more days?' Floating the dinar is suicidal?  No it's suicidal for you.

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