Saturday, April 6, 2024



 Article: "Iraqi economy faces threat as US closes oil revenue account"  This latest move by the United States is something I'd be a little concerned about...Why the hell would you do that...?  Maybe Biden is going to tell Iraq, 'You don't need these accounts no more.  We're going to go ahead and turn everything over to you.  All this is now in your control.'  Which would be good for Iraq...It would be a big move on the United States part to go ahead and turn over all of that money to Iraq...

The protection of Iraq's assets and funds were because you had tons of individuals...companies and corporations...nations going after Iraq for one reason or another...If everyone was allowed to sue Iraq then it would take forever for Iraq to recover...What we need to find out is once the protections are lifted are those individuals that could have sued Iraq in the past able to sue them now?  What they've done is turn over all of the money to Iraq to handle from now on.  

  Here's the good and the bad of everything...With Iraq in control of the Development Fund they have access to that money...There are no restrictions on it.  They don't have to ask permission to get the money when they do their budget.  That is a huge step forward.  In addition to that it just wouldn't look good for Iraq to go into the World Trade Organization having anther country control the money that you use for trade or anything else.  So yes, that is another huge step toward reinstating full sovereignty for Iraq

 The only thing left is to remove the troops out of Iraq.   No more coalition forces...US military, get them out of there.  Then Iraq would have full sovereignty It is exciting.  But the real reason why the United States closed the fund is because...there was an audit done, there's billions of dollars missing...The big question is, well who's responsible for those missing billions?  Is it the United States or is it Iraq?  Not to mention the money that was sent to Iraq for projects were being mismanaged, misused and somehow come up missing..

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