Tuesday, April 23, 2024

PM: Development route will move region economically, 23 APRIL

 PM: Development route will move region economically

Baghdad – conscious
Prime Minister Mohamed Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed, on Monday, that we will not allow any force to use Iraqi territory as a starting point to attack neighboring countries, while noting that the development path will move the region economically.

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During the joint press conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the government palace in the center of Baghdad, and was followed by the Iraqi News Agency (Wa’i): 

“Our policy depends on balance, and we have principles based on common interests and good neighborliness,” said, during the joint press conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyyip Erdogan, at the water level, and agreements have been signed that will modernize irrigation systems, for a period of 10 years, and its impact will be clearly, especially with regard to Iraq’s water share.”
Al-Sudani added, “Today, a four-way memorandum of understanding was signed, including the principles of the development path,” stressing that “the development path will transport the region economically,” while pointing out, “the development route is not only to shorten distances, but will turn into a bridge linking the peoples of the region and their cultures,” stressing at the same time, that “the development route will support security and stability in the region.”

The Prime Minister explained that “bilateral security between the two countries was addressed,” stressing that “the security of Turkey and Iraq is one indivisible unit.”

Al-Sudani stressed: “We proceed from the Iraqi constitution and we are committed not to allowing any force to use the land of Iraq as a starting point for attacking the neighborhood,” while stressing that “Jerusalem is an Islamic symbol and insulting Palestinian sanctities is unacceptable.”


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