Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ. 04/23/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome Back Mark!! GTSY!! Hello Everyone!!

Member: We could sure use some good news today. 

MZ: The news I get continues to be fantastic. I hear things are well underway on the bond side. Money is moving and I heard that from many sources that I have great faith and trust in. Makes me feel good. Really good. 

MZ: We have bond movement. Not sure it it’s enough yet- but we have bond movement. Things are progressing. We just want it faster. But, this is the first time I have seen bond movement like this. With real spendable money. 

MZ:  I get reports from Iraq and bankers that things are well underway.  And when they get to a certain point they will pull the trigger for us. 

MZ: We don’t know when it’s going to happen but the earliest I am hearing is yesterday or today…..the latest I am hearing is May 9th.    

Member: So when we get to 30% of the bonds paid – we could go?

MZ: That is what I am hearing …When they have paid 30% of the historic bonds- they let her rip. 

MZ: It has certainly taken longer than we all thought it would. 

Member: Did the bond people get US notes for payout?

MZ: I am sorry but I cannot answer that. 

Member: Now there is a US delegation heading to Baghdad?

MZ: US delegations have been going back and forth to Iraq for some time- in preparation. Over the weekend we had Sudani point blank saying that they are preparing and it would be the CBI’s responsibility for a revaluatuion. Things are phenomenal

Member: I am surprised there is not leaks from Sudani’s government

MZ: They have done an amazing job ….very impressive. 

Member: Have they released the small notes in Iraq yet.

MZ: As of this morning there are no small notes on the streets there…..yet. 

Member: Quote from Al Alaq regarding 1 hundred billion foreign dollars in reserve and 150 tons of gold in England?

Member: I read last night that when sudani tells cbi then tells imf then it has a policy to be announced to the universe.

Member: Charlie Ward once said - 3+ yrs back - that it'd all drop like dominos and the RV (4b) would be in those dominos. A lot of what he said back then has come true. Just saying.....

Member: I believe dinar alone first 100%. The rest later. That's what Ariel Frank and MM think Mark. dinar first domino

Member: Angel_1776- said the earliest time he heard of was yesterday and it could be anytime between yesterday and May 9th is his latest dates he has heard so far.

Member: Went to a Chase bank to open a account in CA. j asked the banker about the Iraqi Dinars and he confirmed its happening.

Member: Nader said it could be June 2024. We all thought he was crazy- But, He could be right. 

MZ: I think we will beat his projection. 

Member: A recent article on Vietnam says they can change the rate whenever they want. 

MZ: That is pretty clear. Vietnam is prepared to change their rate. 

Member: Been here for a while, still not clear what an historic bond is...

Member: There are many kinds. Chinese railroad bonds, Dragon bonds, German bonds….Mexican bonds, Super Pechelli bonds………over a hundred years of historic bonds waiting to be paid in many countries. 

Member: would you please explain the relationship between the "bond holders" and the dinar revaluation?

MZ: We have covered this many times. It’s part of the reset……The historic bonds are part of canceling the books on the old system before we can move on with the new. 

Member: I think bonds tell the whole story. I feel like a circus seal with new hoops to jump through every week now. Tired of jumping. LOL

Member: The important thing to focus on is the end and not getting frustrated and throw in the towel just before it happens

Member: Did you know that May the 5th is the Orthodox Easter. Maybe that will be when it happens?

Member: It’s also Cinco De Mayo…..so we could celebrate with Margaritas  lol

Member: Tomorrow is Nisan 17: Resurrection day, the day Noah’s Ark landed, and the day the Red Sea parted. Sounds like a Biblical Day to me!! Let’s Go!

Member: Chinese like numbers. Tomorrow date is pretty cool….4-24-2024….sounds lucky to me. 

Member: Mark if the switch is flipped during the day (whenever) will you be doing a live podcast or will you wait until your scheduled evening time?

Member: Mark has always said he will come on instantly as soon as it happens. ..anytime – any day. 

Member: Thanks Mark and Great to see you - Get Rested - Seeya tonight! Feel better.


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

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