Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Parliamentary Committee: Passing The Oil Law Will Solve All Problems With The Region, 13 MARCH

Parliamentary Committee: Passing The Oil Law Will Solve All Problems With The Region

Mawazine News – Baghdad  The Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee reported that the Oil and Gas Law is the only solution to all the problems of the center and the region, and that it will establish a road map for the relationship between the two parties, while it confirmed that so far the law has not come from the government to Parliament despite 11 amendments being made to it.

A member of the Oil and Gas Committee, Nazem Al-Shibli, said in an interview with the official newspaper, followed by Mawazine News, that problems are accumulating between the center and the region, and if the oil and gas law is approved, all disputes will be resolved, as it is one of the most important laws that define the rights of each of them, noting that it needs to be resolved. The state administration continues to administer an unchanged strategic plan for the Prime Minister and has fixed committees.

He explained that there are many obstacles related to the law, including the issue that every four years there is a political orientation and a new prime minister, and after that comes a new political situation and then elections, and all of these matters complicate the scene, pointing out the difficulty of resolving problems with the region without the oil and gas law, and this We made 11 amendments to the law and it never reached Parliament.

Al-Shibli stressed that although Parliament asked the government to send important laws and the government sent many projects; But it did not send this law, noting that the amendments are only with the government and reach readings, the project is withdrawn, technical committees are formed between the region and the center, and the situation remains as it is.

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