Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Hussein and Blinken discuss the Sudanese visit to Washington and five important files, 27 MARCH

Hussein and Blinken discuss the Sudanese visit to Washington and five important files

Secretary of State Fouad Hussein, with his US counterpart Anthony Blinken in Washington, discussed the arrangements for the prime minister’s visit to Washington to meet with US President Joe Biden next April.

“We discussed the arrangements for the meeting of the Supreme Coordinating Committee (HCC) and the other committees emanating from the Strategic Framework Agreement and addressed the work of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and its vital role in vital files,” Hussein said in a joint statement with Blinken.

He pointed to the discussion of “addressing the issue of the oil export pipeline through Turkey and the importance of implementing the Sinjar agreement to normalize the situation in the city,” stressing “the importance of continuing the work of the Supreme Military Committee (HMC).”

Hussein also stressed “the importance of joint efforts to fight ISIS and build the capacity of Iraqi forces.”

“We look forward to Prime Minister Mohamed Shiaa’s visit to Washington,” Blinkin said.

“Iraq is an important and critical partner for the stability of the region,” Blinken stressed.حسين-وبلينكن-يناقشان-زيارة-السوداني-الى-واشنطن-وخمسة-ملفات-مهمة

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