Friday, February 23, 2024

Washington restricts Iraq to the control of the Federal Reserve... manipulating the country’s capabilities and dominating financial sovereignty, 23 FEB

 Washington restricts Iraq to the control of the Federal Reserve... manipulating the country’s capabilities and dominating financial sovereignty

With the principle of tightening the screws from all sides, the United States of America continues to manipulate Iraq’s vital capabilities from time to time, and in parallel with the important events that occur in the political, security and economic arena, given the dictatorship that Washington is implementing towards the country through the Federal Bank, and the delay in sending Iraq’s export funds. Oil for the purpose of causing a liquidity crisis that hinders the work of the government, especially the crisis of delayed release of recurring employee salaries as a result of; Reducing financial releases from America despite the increase in the country’s financial balance during the recent period, amid many calls for the government’s need to move towards achieving economic sovereignty and breaking American hegemony.  

*Financial sovereignty? 

Speaking about this file, a member of the House of Representatives, Thaer al-Jubouri, accuses the United States of America of controlling Iraq’s funds through the Federal Bank, while he stressed that Washington is creating pretexts to control a number of files.  

Al-Jubouri said, in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, that “America is trying to force the country to pay the price of solidarity with the Palestinian cause and a position against the Zionist entity,” pointing out that “achieving economic independence is extremely important for the development of the Iraqi economy.”  

He continues, "One of the reasons for the crisis of the rise in the parallel exchange rate of the dollar is the interventions of the US Federal Reserve, which takes decisions and imposes sanctions," adding that "America controls the rise and fall of the dollar price through many of the schemes it follows."  

Al-Jubouri concludes his speech by saying, "Washington is always trying to influence the government's steps that seek to achieve economic and military independence for the country," accusing "the United States of America of dominating Iraq's funds through the Federal World Bank."     

*Washington conspiracy? 

In addition, the economic expert, Nasser Al-Kinani, warned today, Thursday, of a plan to seize Iraqi oil money from the US Federal Bank, while revealing details of a conspiracy against the Iraqi economy. 

Al-Kanani said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The sanctions imposed on Iraqi banks contributed to a liquidity crisis for the dollar in the local markets,” noting that “there are fears of stopping the export of money from selling oil to the country.”  

He continues, "The Federal Reserve's sanctions on Iraqi banks are intended to benefit the rest of the Arab banks that partner with Washington," pointing out that "the dominance of the United States of America over the Iraqi economy still continues until now."  

Al-Kanani added, "The United States of America has issued sanctions against 26 banks so far," considering that "the process of stopping these banks is unjustified and there are no reasons to take measures against them." 

 The United States of America continues to impose its influence on Iraq in many vital files, including the authority to deposit Iraqi oil sales funds in the US Federal Bank, amid clear blackmail to pass many files, or manipulate the dollar bill, which puts great pressure on the government. link

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