Thursday, February 1, 2024


 Q & A

Question from carolyncoffen:

Hi Mnt Goat,
Thank you for all your hard and dedicated work in keeping us informed about the dinar. Do you have any idea about what we will be looking at in fees/spreads when we go to the bank to exchange? And is it negotiable? Same question regarding taxes, so many so called gurus over the years have said you won’t have to pay any income tax on what you exchange, I personally find that astonishing anyone would think the ‘IRS’ wouldn’t be right there with their hand out when we finally exchange. Please let us know your thoughts and/or concerns in regards to these few questions. And again, thank you for all that you do for each and everyone if us.

Mnt Goat answer:

First of all, the IRS will not be at the bank during your exchange. The banks will not be taking out any taxes on exchanges. They never do for hard currency. It will be up to you to file afterwards maybe quarterly if your proceeds are high enough. Consult with a professional to find out this limit otherwise you will file annually as normal. Unless the IRS officially makes a separate ruling on these currency exchanges, they do not fall under the category of minor exchanges up to $250, anything over this is taxable and not exempt. This will most likely be considered a capital gain and subjected to its rules. I am not a tax advisor or financial planner and so when the time comes, please consult a professional. If the situation changes from the current IRS code, the IRS will have to issue something is writing for us.


I want to WARN everyone now. Regardless of what you think about these intel gurus, YouTube intel sites and other idiots then have done more harm than good to the community of investors in these currencies, especially in the Iraqi dinar. People get desperate for information and so they believe almost anything no matter how preposterous and fake it is. Just google “Iraqi Dinar revalue” as see the mountains of crap that comes up. 

Again I ask everyone to stay firm and don’t sell you dinar. This is going to happen. We must continue to pray and pray hard. The world, not just your country, is at war. It is a new kind of war. It is a war of propaganda and spirituality. The satanic entities are running ramped. Like Joe Biden says in his campaign trail, he is battling for your souls, “The Soul of the Nation”. They almost have complete control over you now as it’s down now in 2024 to the final battles in this war. 

I encourage everyone to listen to Julie Green’s and Kim Clement’s prophetic words this week. God is going to suddenly turn this around and the Iraqi dinar revaluation is part of the turnaround too. The prophets tell us this summer is NOT going to be the usual lazy, hazy days of laying back and enjoying the summertime. It is going to be filled with turmoil, earth changes (volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc) and chaos. It is not going to be pretty! Get ready and be ready!

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