Thursday, February 15, 2024

Evening News with MarkZ. 02/14/2024

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Hope everyone had a nice Valentines Day!!

Member:  It sure would have been a really nice Valentine’s gift to get an appointment made!

Member: I wonder if this is true. ….I hear they are moving forward wihin 10 days.

MZ: I was told that their goal is by the 20th…but I could live with 10 days… the end of February. ….Things are screaming at us that we are close.

MZ: The amount of group leaders that tell me they need me to be quiet is telling.

Member: Mark, what do you think we are waiting on????

MZ: I think everything is done and we are just waiting on them to release it. My contacts in Iraq are telling me this…as well as bankers and government contacts. Question is –What are they waiting on?  Are they waiting for the perfect moment?  Have they already decided on a date? Are they waiting on a new moon ect….I wish I could tell you guys.
MZ: But I do know the economic pressure around the world is mounting.

Member: What does your gut say Mark?

MZ: My gut is screaming we will see this in the month of February based on the number of requests to keep us quiet and  the banking anticipation …But I could be horribly wrong…we will see.  And, a number of sources say we could get it by the 20th now.

Member: Could be we are having it in February due to it being Leap year, we are leaping into a new world!

Member: February 20th is my birthday…..the RV would be the perfect birthday present

MZ: Everytime they give me an exact date I get nervous. But there is a whole heck of a lot that are pushing for that.

Member: Monday the 19th is Presidents holiday! Bankers holiday.

Member: Any news on CMKX.

MZ: CMKX holders  are expecting $6-$8 dollars per share just in Fines and penalties. And more than that in the trust portion part of it if you decide to sell your stock and take it. I am taking my fines and penaties and keeping mine. .

Member: Mark, If they are telling you guys to be quiet- Will you still be able to let us know when the RV goes?

MZ: I was told to not give exacts or give details that could get a certain branch  or banker in trouble…or talk about groups that could cause backlash for them. So I am not to share specific details…..I should still be able to let you know when it RV’s.

Member: MarkZ, the Chase ATM where I live has been down all day, the screen says they are installing software updates

Member: Just received mail from Fisher Investments looking to be my wealth manager. My credit score blows! Can’t imagine why they would reach out to me LOL.

MZ:” The Central Bank of Iraq decides to restore the mechanism of financing foreign trade to Iraq starting next March” When they say “Next March” They mean this March of 2024. What does this mean? This is all about foreign currencies and International Acceptance!

MZ: We have been looking for some of these announcements and now we are getting them. They want to strengthen the dinar…This is really great. This is all about international Trade and movement of money.

Member: I have been hearing alot. about stuff going on in Zimbabwe. sounds good

MZ: “IMF staff completes 2024 article IV mission to Zimbabwe” It says in this article that the IMF and International world were blocking some funds to Zimbabwe, I did  know that. Could be why they are looking towards BRICS and being gold backed? So they can escape sanctions ect….

Member: Thanks Mark and Mods….everyone enjoy the rest of your evening….

Member: Sweet RV dreams to all!!


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