Tuesday, January 9, 2024


 Militia Man

  Developing the market for the banking sector is huge because lookthe ISX shows that their index has been up about 52% in 2023...Why is that if Iraq is just status quo and it's just blah...?  It's not.

Once they...get the parallel price to say 1320, 1310 as apposed from 1560...they'll adjust and finish the project to delete the zeros.  Remember, it's not off the currency, it's off the exchange rate of the currency.   There is a difference.   A lot of people are still hung up on that...

 Article:  "URGENT: The Baghdad Stock Exchange operates on the “NASDAQ” system, and foreigners and banks have become more investors"  This is a very good sign that Iraq is opening to the world...

Take notice of what they say about what currency the shares will be denominated in.. The Iraqi dinar. Take even more notice that they are telling the world that the shares will be affected by the exchange rate. With the expectation of a rate change to be stronger than the dollar one could imagine the impact that is already having and how much more growth there will be. This is a very good sign of things to come. I am so ready.

 The Central Bank of Iraq is giving out instructions for what they're doing and how they're doing it...I think you should be pretty excited because I know I am...

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