Information / Baghdad..
A member of the Parliamentary Security Committee, Representative Waad Al-Qaddo, confirmed on Thursday that the American occupation forces will flee from Iraq.

Al-Qaddo said in an interview with Al-Ma’louma, “No two people in Iraq disagree that the presence of American forces is illegal and that they are exercising the role of an occupying force, and the examples are many,” noting that “it is not possible to accept the survival of a force that attacks the mobilization of the people and their leaders with treacherous raids from time to time.” Which leads to martyrs and wounded.”

He added, “We are absolutely certain that the occupation forces will flee from Iraq within a short period because their presence is illegal and without the consent of the people, and that their current presence is temporary.”

He pointed out that “the pressure to remove American forces is at its peak, and there are efforts to continue ending the American occupation in Iraq.”

American forces are deployed at the Ain al-Assad and al-Harir bases, and they include thousands of soldiers with squadrons of aircraft and armor.