Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-2-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:07:27

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight, it is Tuesday January 2, 2024. I didn't think we were gonna get here. Didn't think we're gonna have a new call in our 13th year of the big call.   And - but here we are. So, you know things come every day to me that surprised me a little bit - and that's one thing that is a surprise. Yes, I was told I wouldn't - that Thursday would be my last call – didn’t expected me to have to do a call tonight. I get I get it - but I've been told that probably five or six times now

So, I have to take that with a grain of salt and say let's just see what happens. We have to lift this manifest in our lives - let this come through. And I'll address that a little bit more in the Intel segments.

All right, so hang in there. Welcome and Happy New Year to everybody within the sound of my voice - big call universe, Happy New Year  and hopefully everybody had a decent New Years and a decent Christmas - it wasn't as good as we thought it would be. That's for sure. But I hope you guys have the endurance in the faith with this and stay in the game. And, you know, hang in there with us because that's what we're gonna do we're gonna hang in there until this thing manifests

All right, guys, let's talk about it. I told you briefly that you know, things obviously change, sometimes from hour to hour - Sometimes day to day. We had the anticipation even on Thursday's call when I get an Intel call in the middle of Sue’s segment, which is what happened - and I took it and then adjusted my Intel to say we should be notified on either Monday, the first or today.

It was like Monday or Today, I think by noon, at least that's what I had by Saturday and Sunday, but neither one happened – so we kind of go what happened?  What exactly transpired or what didn't transpire so that didn't happen?  And the only thing we got, this was last night by 11 o'clock I got a call  that said the Treasury, US Treasury was going to send out an email to all banks and redemption centers - all banks and redemption centers at 10am Eastern – this morning .

I have to assume that happened. However, we don't know what was in the email. We never got a report back from anybody that said what the email said. I would be guessing if I tried to tell you all I believe is that it probably dealt with the setting of our appointments and maybe the start of our exchanges.

Now, since 11’oclock last night, we've got little bits and pieces of things. We've had a little bit of clarification. There was some chatter out there. about the world court and maybe the language of the RV needed to be put into common law from the other type of law even under But we did find out today that anything regarding the language  was all done by New Year's Eve. That part was handled.

That part was handled – that part is done - when we talk to people like the southeastern regional manager of Wells Fargo and certain other people they say everything is done. everything's done.

We don't know why it hasn't happened. And when you get that from your top banking sources, that you really haven't heard what that email was - it tends to make us believe - Yes, we're super close, but we still don't know exactly when it's gonna go.

So I think another  - another piece of information I got was from a bond paymaster that has connections with Miami, Reno -  Geneva - and he said, regarding the bondholders that they expect them to have access to liquidity tomorrow and or Thursday.

So tomorrow, and Thursday - And the same paymaster says he expected tier 4B to also be receiving their notifications in that same timeframe.

So - where I hate the idea of telling  you guys probably tomorrow or next day - you know, I don't like saying that. but if that's what I'm getting from some of the higher more credible sources, then I have to go with it  now  and let you know that.

So it could very well be that instead of today – we get notified tomorrow and exchange on Thursday. I have to consider that a possibility.  I don't think we're expecting to wait on other things to manifest.

Even though there are things happening politically there are things happening - I can't even tell you everything that is happening, things that are happening out there. And the other thing we did here was that we expect the announcement  like NESARA and GESARA -  our new USN currency gold backed, et cetera. Et cetera, all these little announcements that we're looking for. We're expecting them to happen on January 11 or before --  on the 11th of January or before.

Well, this is before and I think we will get some of those between now and the 11th. And possibly, we'll we'll do a grand finale of a major announcement on the 11th. But I and I've asked this question of my sources, and they're indicating that no, we don't have to wait until the 11th to go that everything is ready to go Now.

We just have to get the green light from Treasury to get started and get these numbers out to us.

So I wouldn't be surprised if they came out tomorrow. And I wouldn't be surprised if we just set appointments tomorrow and started Thursday. So you know, this is one of these where I don't have them telling me that exactly. But that seems to be the direction we're going in. We know every day that goes by which is one day closer and the fact we didn't get notified today and get our toll free numbers and set our appointments - It indicates that we're close - But are we waiting on anything else to happen?

That's the big question. That's what I'm not getting. The fact that we may have to wait on anything else to happen because several sources are telling me that everything is done.

Now one bank is not even involved in the zim, just involved in the other currencies, is suggesting Wednesday or Thursday for our exchanges. They may be right on the money Wednesday or Thursday. As soon as you guys all I can tell you is we didn't get it by the end of last year. We didn't get it before Christmas.

But I believe they want to get this done and out to us.

Trying to think what else relevant? Oh yeah, let's bring up Iraq. Now Iraq has already been doing exchanges at their new rate in the country of Iraq. They were told that on the first which was yesterday first of January, the US D or Fiat dollar is dead. It is no longer usable – it’s gone -  they want them to completely transition to the new lower denominations of the Iraqi dinar and those are in the ATMs. They're in banks and in shops in Iraq. They're in the businesses and shops. They have a lower denomination center using them now.

The other thing that has not yet been released and this is where the ban -  the ban on pulling out the Iraqi dinar rate internationally. We still seem to control that here from the States.

But we are hearing that that ban is supposed to come off tomorrow and which is great. That's Wednesday. Wednesday in Iraq.

So I think that's a really good sign. If that ban comes off and the dinar is rate is known internationally, and I think everything should be ready to go for us. We know that there are nine currencies. - Of all those currencies we talked about in the first basket there are nine that RE GOING UP in value.

And I can name them we know what they are OKAY -  Most of you have some of you have more than others. They that is really good you know - I'll just run them down -  obviously the Iraqi dinar - the Zimbabwe dollar – zim -  The Indonesian rupiah -  the Israeli shekels is one of them -  the  Afghani – obviously  the  Vietnam Dong of course - Venezuelan bolivar -  there are probably forgetting one or two that are if I did seven or eight or nine total that are going up in value.

The rest of the currencies - take the whole rest of them, Half of them approximately will stay the same - other half will go down slightly  in value. So that's where we are on that  -

So they are changing and how they are doing things a little bit, but I think it's all gonna come down very well for us. We need to get the toll free numbers to Set our appointments - and then we'll be off to the races -  really looking very close.

So if you can hang in there a little bit longer – I hope - I think all of you can if you choose to, We might be right there. Right next to where we’re about to start

Now, I would say – look at the intel  - okay  - I see what you're saying, maybe this thing is close - Okay, that’s good – great – maybe we’re going soon -  ok great –

In the meantime – you stay with your plan A,  your current job – you continue to work with that - you can know that this plan B  might be a blessing when it comes in - it will come in

I don't think it's going to be too much longer. I really don't. Well let's wait to see what happens. That's sort of where we are. We need to do that. And stay in faith for it . Continue thinking positively about believing in this happening for us, because it will happen and there's probably a bunch of things I'm not mentioning  that we've talked about this but I'm still excited by what happened by now but it hasn't so I wouldn't do stay with it and allow it to come in to us and allow us to be right to redeem our zim  and exchange.So in the meantime do that say with your plan a continue to just be in faith for this

.So let's do this. Let's go ahead and pray the call out. Let's see what if something manifests to us tomorrow. We'll see what happens.

Well, God bless you guys. Have a great one. we'll see what happens in the next few days. Obviously, if we don't have numbers, by Thursday, we'll have a call. All right. God bless you guys have a wonderful night. Amen. And amen.

Well, God bless you guys. Have a great one. we'll see what happens in the next few days. Obviously, if we don't have numbers, by Thursday, we'll have a call. All right. God bless you guys have a wonderful night. Amen. And amen.   Amen and Amen.

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