Monday, January 22, 2024

2024 and “Curse the corrupt”... Investigations into the “outrageous wealth” of 9 Iraqi officials and “important” decisions within weeks, 22 JAN

  2024 and “Curse the corrupt”... Investigations into the “outrageous wealth” of 9 Iraqi officials and “important” decisions within weeks

 Today, Sunday (January 21, 2024), a parliamentary source revealed the existence of unannounced investigations into the wealth of nine Iraqi officials in several governorates.

The source said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "A lot of evidence was presented by representatives and figures about the file of the extreme wealth of some officials in Baghdad and the provinces, amid questions to know the source of that money, especially since they are government employees."

The source, who preferred not to reveal his name, added, “Indeed, there are investigations currently underway into the file of 9 officials,” pointing out that “extreme wealth is a real source of concern that has prompted the regulatory authorities to open important files in the past months in order to clarify the sources of that money, which some have tried to do.” It involves purchasing real estate and land.

He pointed out that "2024 will witness a qualitative shift in the fight against corruption, especially in the suspicious wealth of some," expecting "important decisions to be issued in the coming weeks."

The head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, called on Saturday (January 20, 2024) to support the regulatory system and cooperate with it in its endeavor to eradicate the scourge of corruption and prosecute its perpetrators.

A statement by the Commission, received by “Baghdad Today”, stated that “Hanoun stressed, in his speech at the First Conference of Legal and Political Sciences, which was held by the College of Law and Political Sciences - Iraqi University, entitled (The Relationship between Democracy and Regimes), the necessity of preserving the foundations of the democratic system in Iraq and protecting its institutions.” Constitutionalism is one of the dangers facing it, the most dangerous of which is corruption,” pointing out that “the Constitution, which is the supreme legal document, went to establish independent federal bodies, the most important of which is the Federal Integrity Commission, in accordance with Article (102) thereof, with the aim of protecting the gains of that democratic system.”

While the Deputy President of the Karkh Court of Appeal and the competent judge of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Committee, Judge Zia Jaafar, explained, on Monday (January 15, 2024), the nature of the decisions and judicial procedures taken in the past period to fight corruption, while pointing to the strategy to combat this scourge  link

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