Thursday, December 21, 2023



Now, we plan to go running into the banks to get cash after the first year, no I don't think so. We're going to get up to $3,000 at the redemption centers when we go in for our redemption of Zim and currency exchanges.

But they will possibly give us a mix of USD and USN notes a mix of mixture a combination of the old money and the new and the new money is going to be available as I said but the old US demons we have right now in our pockets or whatever will no longer be used after the 20th of February. 

So we get to the 20th of February to get rid of all that USD when you've got on your mattress or in cans out in the yard or wherever you stored in USD currency - spend it - deposit it - get rid of it by the 20th of February because just the new money will be gone combination of USD and USN at the redemption center  if we want some cash, don't get it if you don't want  any  of us getting more than that - if you're if you liked to have a little cash around gp ead and get some – up tp about 3,000 - now they want us to read more than 3000 bucks because they don't want us to get picked off – or hijacked - or whatever  -you know by having cash. Too much cash. 

You will have a debit card in your exchange a quantum card which you don't use for anything but moving funds from the quantum financial system accounts into your primary or secondary Wells account. 

That's your that's your wrap up. The USN has been traded globally for over two weeks now.

It's been traded it's out there okay. This is a digital format of the US in digital. 

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