Sunday, December 31, 2023



 Question "Do you think we will be limited to the exchange time?"

 ...They will give you the time  frame.  I'm hoping...they never stop.  Now, Iraq will stop.  They will eventually cancel their 3-zero notes but you'll be told way  in advance.   My only sadness is I hope they don't say you you got 3 months to exchange.  I would love to see the float go into 6  months or a year...If we are stopped then the float is of no value to us any longer...  

This is not an RV like a lot of silly people say.  This is a reinstatement.  It's about the numbers of the reinstatement.  They are talking about the fils...It's blowing my mind all the things they're telling  you...We have landed on the shore of monetary reform.  

IMO because they are telling you so much in such a concentrated amount of time it's because they are in a hurry as January the 1st approaches us...

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