Saturday, December 9, 2023


 Fri. 8 Dec. Ariel:

Michael J. Ruben oversees all of Columbia’s GCR implementation and is based in the US from the New York office. Salvage told me that “The GO” comes from this office, from a bank in New York.

Michael Ruben has been in contact with Mauricio Castaño in Columbia and has given the gentleman THE LONG EXPECTED GREEN LIGHT to pay all 28 Paymasters in Columbia, which will result in them receiving FULL LIQUIDITY; In other words, MONEY TO SPEND to those in their groups, whom they are responsible for funding.

The end of the fiat USD happened on Wed. 6 Dec. when President Putin met with Saudi Arabia UAE.

European, Ukraine, Russia, China and US Currency will go down in value, which will help emerging markets like Iraq reinstate their currency so they can trade with 1:1 parity with 1st world economics.

Vladimir Putin took the Russian chief of the Central Bank documents that were signed in behalf of all Opec nations that had to do with a currency peg. 

The US Treasury, Federal Reserve, SOFT Bank, Japan Bank, China Bank, US Banks will all go to zero value between 15 Dec. and 15 Jan. This is the panic window where everything goes into implosion mode. The fiat US Dollar will not be used after 1 Jan. 2024.

The US was functioning on fiat dollar derivatives, or mortgage backed securities and could not pay off the one hundred trillion plus dollars due on Fri. 15 Dec. 
That’s why the bankers on Capitol Hill were crying about Basel 3 – they know they are sitting on debt that they can’t pay off so they can’t implement Basel 3 or ISO 20022 to be able to join the new gold-backed financial system. The banks were about to go extinct.

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