Saturday, December 23, 2023


Q & A

Question from Gavin: Did your CBI contact have anything to say about the Frank26 video? Do you know the agency that supposedly put it out and if it is legitimate? Thank you – Gavin

Mnt Goat Answer: Yes, I did bring that up in one of my last conversations with my contact and I was told it was produced by the committee and was one of the first videos in a series they planned to roll out. So they already began the education process and have yet more commercial like videos even detailing the process of the swap-out of the currency and what the newer lower notes will look like. However, for now the project to delete the zeros was suddenly put on hold and that is where it now stands.   

Question from Diane: GM, MG! And Merry Christmas! One question. If EU countries will be swapping currencies with IRAQ, I assume it won’t be at a value of 1/6 of a penny, is there a way that we could in the U.S., go to one of those EU countries, exchange our dinar for their currency, open a bank account in that country, then either wire funds to our U.S. bank accounts or use a debit card from that EU bank? There must be away around the FOREX and U.S. Treasury. IF Iraq has found a way, we should be able to as well.

Mnt Goat Answer: Frohe Weihnachten to you too Diane. Thanks for the comments and question. Any EURO coming into Iraq is coming in as an exchange of IQD 1320 to whatever equivalent that would be in EUORS. Please be patient as you will be able to exchange the Iraqi dinar you hold in time. You don’t have to come up with elaborate schemes. Please read my conversation with my CBI contact from 12/16.

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Deepwoodz     T he parallel market rate is an illegal, “black market” rate. This is the rate they have been trying to get rid of and we all ...