Thursday, December 14, 2023

Orchestrated Media Distortion: A Hidden Chessboard in Middle East Conflicts, 13 DEC

 Orchestrated Media Distortion: A Hidden Chessboard in Middle East Conflicts

In the labyrinth of Middle East conflicts, one finds a recurring theme of orchestrated media distortion. The chessboard of power dynamics often gets clouded by a veil of misinformation and narrative manipulation, as meticulously choreographed by groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, and other regional actors. The objective? To divert public attention from the profound, underlying issues that shape the region’s destiny.

Media Distortion: An Evolving Strategy

From the aftermath of the September 11 attacks to the rise of ISIS, the strategic use of media has been a constant. The 2006 Lebanon War and the American invasion of Iraq saw traditional media being used as a tool for misinformation. But as we moved into the era of the so-called Arab Spring, the tactics evolved, embracing social media and sophisticated technology to further the deception.

Gaza: A Current Focus

Today’s lens is focused on the Israeli military actions in Gaza, raising questions about the objectives of Operation October 7th, the timing of the operation, and the implications for the future governance of Gaza. The orchestrated distortion< /strong> now aims to muddle the narrative and obstruct serious inquiries into the abandonment of Hamas by Tehran and Hezbollah.

Looking Beyond the Distraction 

What gets lost in this intricate dance of deceit are the potential for a new war in Lebanon, the ongoing negotiations between Israel and Hezbollah, and the impacts on neighboring countries like Egypt and Jordan. The economic implications of the conflict on these nations, their efforts to mitigate the effects, and the additional challenge of battling COVID-19 are all factors that need the world’s attention.

The author, Tariq Alhomayed, implores us to focus on the ‘big picture.’ He warns against getting sidelined by side battles and the campaigns of denunciation and incitement led by ‘keyboard jihadists’ supporting Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iranian groups. As he rightly points out, these efforts are just a smokescreen, an elaborate distraction from the critical issues at play.

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