Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Lebanese Source Accuses Israel of Deliberately Targeting International Forces, 12 DEC

 Lebanese Source Accuses Israel of Deliberately Targeting International Forces

In a major development, a leading Lebanese political figure has pointed an accusing finger at Israel, alleging a deliberate targeting of international forces (UNIFIL) and Lebanese Army units stationed in South Lebanon, specifically south of the Litani River. The accusation surfaces amid claims that these attacks were not incidental but premeditated.

Israel’s Alleged Double-Barrelled Message

According to the source, Israel’s repeated aggressions are a calculated attempt to relay two significant messages. The first is aimed at UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, a response to his invocation of Article 99. This article warns of the perils to civil peace posed by Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza, its impact on Red Sea maritime navigation, the Houthi’s prevention of Israeli-flagged or Israeli-owned ships from sailing, as well as the bombardment targeting American military bases in Syria and Iraq.

The second message seems to target the Lebanese Army’s leadership, with an attack resulting in the death of a corporal and the injury of four soldiers.

Multiple Purposes Beyond Accusation

The source implies that Israel’s actions serve multiple purposes beyond mere accusations of collusion between Lebanese Army units and UNIFIL. This is despite the fact that Hezbollah and some Palestinian factions allied with the ‘Axis of Resistance’ have launched rockets at Israeli settlements in Northern Occupied Palestine, near the Lebanese border, without any intervention from UNIFIL or the Lebanese Army to prevent them.

European Envoys’ Advice and UN Resolution 1701

Interestingly, European envoys to Lebanon have advised against being lured into the war from Gaza to the northern front, warning of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s potential to provoke Lebanon into a war. The envoys have also emphasized the importance of abiding by UN Resolution 1701 and do not suggest any amendments to it.

However, the political path to implementing Resolution 1701 remains unclear, considering the escalating military confrontation between Hezbollah and Israel along the northern front. This situation pushes towards violating the rules of engagement without leading to any modifications of those rules as long as the situation remains under control.


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