Saturday, December 23, 2023


 Judy Note: There’s a lot happening out there, but we don’t know what. The greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever known was waiting to occur, but we don’t know when. They say massive arrests were going on, but we don’t know who, where or why. Some day we will understand the who, what, when, where, why and how of it all and be telling our posterity that we were a part of it. May we be grateful that we were the ones chosen.

  • Global Supply Chains Deteriorate As Malaysia Blocks All Israeli Vessels & Cargo From Using Its Ports!
  • Global Currency Reset:

    On Fri. night 8 Dec. the GCR started to roll out when the Admiral in Reno gave the Green Light; Zurich went liquid on Sun. 10 Dec and Whales were being paid; the IMF released the GCR funds to all countries a week later on Sun. 17 Dec; the Iraqi Dinar was on the back screens of the Forex and was tradable; as of this week US banks had live rates on their bank screens; Sources say Tier4b has a 98% chance of beginning to exchange  before Christmas.

    • Five days after RV begins  the public will have access to Med Beds. Treatments are free, with children having critical medical conditions going first.
    • On Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Global Currency Reset will officially launch on the new Star Link Satellite System for the general public of BRICS participating nation’s gold/ asset-backed currencies.
    • On that same Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 the BRICS Gold/Asset-backed XRP Digital Currency would officially be considered the Global Standard for international trade, with all participating nations’ currencies trading at a 1:1 with each other.
    • Social Security increases of $2,000-$3,000 per month will begin in Jan. 2024. The R&R lump sum payments will begin for those 62 and older on 5 Jan. 2024 and beyond to the end of the month. Ages 30-50, 50-61 will have their R&R paid out monthly over two years time with the requisite that they keep their job, or get a job.
    • The Federal US Dollar will no longer be used after Feb. 20 2024.
    • Man Says Banks Are Ready For NESARA/GESARA And Signed Non-Disclosure Contracts!! | Alternative | Before It’s News (

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  Iraqi Banks...A Classic Mentality That Prevents Keeping Pace With Global Development By Preferring The "Government" Over The &qu...