Thursday, December 28, 2023


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: We have a special on TV and they say the Iraqi dinar wins the struggle against the dollar and wins control of the markets…

FRANK: The goal of the last few weeks has been to bring the market rate parallel with the dollar rate.  Remember the CBI can’t touch the dollar value but they can touch the value of your currency of the dinar…They have been victorious of reducing the value of their enemy foreign currency like the American dollar and all foreign currency in your country verses your national currency which is at 1310 right now.  But that rate is now in a position to change because of all the success of the monetary reform from the CBI and Sudani.   That’s all there is to it.

The black market rate will no longer be…The black market rate is the American dollar.  The CBI wants the official rate 1310 to match the dollar rate.  That means the currency of Iraq is too low…  Slowly we’re having a reciprocal effect where the dollar is going down and the dinar is going up

“Can any country RV their currency whenever they want?”

Yeah but they have to go through the IMF.  That’s what the International Monetary Fund does – they regulate all the banks around the world and allow them to either increase, decrease, print new currency, destroy their currency, change their exchange rate.  There is a systematic way of doing it.  They’re called international banking laws. 

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