Thursday, December 14, 2023


 Directly from CBI

In Dubai city, the delegation of the Central Bank of Iraq ended its meetings with the delegates of the United States Federal Government and the Ministry of Treasury of America:
Representatives of the Federal Bank of America and the Ministry of Reservations of America appreciated the efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq in the year 1960s to undermine the commitment to access the banking system in Iraq.
The product of meetings is a number of agreements related to supporting the Iraqi central bank policies and directing directions to support Iraqi banks in establishing relations with related banks and transactions step by step to raise the balance (Taaziz Al-Roid) account priority.
These banks are the same as previously announced Central Bank of Iraq in its plan to reduce reliance on electronic platform to end its operations within the next year and limit the registration of financial transactions for the purpose of control, observation and analysis.
This and the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq confirmed that the Red Central Bank is supporting the Iraqi banks and boosting their capabilities and preparing them to work according to international practices.
Agreement also made with US Federal delegation and the US Treasury Ministry and the applications of Central Bank of Iraqi approved and implemented to send cash to 2024, and in the meetings a lot of understanding the goals of building the Iraqi banks and promoting commitment under international standards.
It's been made to be done.
The media office of the central bank of Iraqi
January 14, the first of May, 2023

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