Wednesday, October 11, 2023



Sometimes “CHANGE IS HARD”
“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean
Today the news is almost all about the dollar crisis in Iraq and the CHANGE that must take place.
My talking point today is about this dollar crisis Iraq and how it is now experiencing it in simple terms, caused by still being on the US dollar through these currency auctions and being on it way too long already.
Seems the corruption schemes have taken deep roots and Turkey, Iran, Syria and other middle eastern countries have become dependent on the dollars smuggled out of Iraq’s financial system.
This too is going to be painful for these other countries when the dollar stops in Iraq in early 2024.
Change is not easy and as investors in the Iraqi dinar we have witnessed first-hand in 2023 the pain of this change that MUST take place.
In today’s news we learn that Iraq was seeking a special shipment of $1 billion in cash from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but U.S. officials have withheld approval, saying the request runs counter to their efforts to rein in Baghdad’s use of dollars and halt illicit cash flows to Iran.
Then yet another article came out later by the CBI tells us something much different and I quote – “the Central Bank of Iraq denies the US Federal Reserve’s refusal to send the country’s oil dues and confirmed on Friday that the dollar shipments sent by the US Federal Bank are proceeding according to a specific schedule and timings agreed upon between the two monetary institutions adding that the shipment was received on time, denying news and media reports that talk about stopping or reducing shipments sent to the bank“.
So, who is lying?
Does Iraq also have a FAKE news media channels and for what purpose do they hope to serve?
To me anyhow, it is obvious who the FAKE news in Iraq serves.
It serves the corrupt and by bashing the Central Bank they hope to get consent to oust Ali Al-Alaq as the governor and to destabilize the dinar, hoping to keep their racket of corruption going with the US Dollar.
It is really that simple.
They need to split public opinion, as we are watching the same tactics now being used too in the US politics over Donald Trump and many of his close ties.
Seems if you can’t nail down who the actual corrupt individuals are, then it is much easier to keep them in power.
We see this with the Bushs, Clintons, Obamas and now the Bidens.
Of course, these same rings of corrupt politicians exist in Iraq and so they must also be rooted out and dealt with.
Just like what the US now faces, we have to ask is the new and still fragile Iraqi democratic republic strong enough to deal with them?
Yes, there is still a plan in motion, the plan of Dr Shabibi and this is why they want to oust Ali al-Alaq so much from the CBI.
Seems every week yet another article bashing the great work of the CBI and Ali al-Alaq’s efforts.
He knows the plan and worked in the CBI alongside Dr Shabibi.
When I heard he came back as governor I saluted him as I know he is going to help facilitate what we are looking for and not prevent it.
So, today, like you, I sit and wait for the re-education phase to begin.
My CBI contact is on the committee in the CBI to facilitate these events and the phases they must take to get where they want to get – back on FOREX and trading the dinar once again.
If you are trying to figure this process out just remember – “first things first”.
We cannot go to the bank until the rate is back on FOREX.
The rate is not just going to magically appear on FOREX one day without us first hearing about these other events taking place.
There is a sequence to the process they MUST go through to get to FOREX.
It is now almost all about stabilizing the dinar against the dollar inside Iraq.
Just as I said that politics do interfere with the progress of the RV as politicians blackmail Iraq and have been blackmailing Iraq for a very long time.
It is not until these entities are neutralized that we will finally see the RV followed by the Reinstatement.

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