Saturday, October 28, 2023



  [via PDK] Today Iraq is talking about “Electronic Payment Support” We are seeing they are modernizing  their banking system to launch in the real world...We are still seeing their ascension into the World Trade Organizations but when are they going to announce it?  There is lots of internal documentation off their own websites showing this...But they cannot fully join without an international currency that is not sanctioned or restricted.  When will they unveil what has happened? The take away is “It’s confusing on purpose” …I just hope Iraqi contacts are right and it’s going over this weekend.

[via PDK]   ...the chatter out of Iraq is the lower denoms have been seen and they are expecting an announcement within days.  Now, every time somebody tries to put up a video showing them…they disappear. I think the longest one of those videos stayed up today is about an hour. I’m so sorry I did not record it. But the chatter has gone through the roof in Iraq. Iraq has told us they want full de-dollarization by January 1st. For that to happen they need to move quickly IMO.…like now. 

  I hope my Iraqi sources are right and it’s this weekend…They did expect everything to be wrapped up by Nov 1st. That is exactly what they were being told…and that is what they told me. …Remember no one knows the exact timing…we are all guessing at it based on the information we receive.

Iraq has a lot of banking news…they are getting money in the banking system…building exchange centers…My sources in Iraq are still expecting it by the first…so sometime over the next 5-6 days. I hope they are accurate...My gut says we are about a week out. 

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