Friday, October 13, 2023



 Article "What is the relationship of the US Federal Reserve to the federal budget?"  Quote "The Federal Reserves are still in control of the financial budget...he says the matter will end in two weeks. Two weeks?  That's the third time I hear two weeks.  Sunday when they were at the banks, Monday when they gave us the report and then today...The article  is saying within 2 weeks the problem they've been having with their money...  

[Kurdistan boots-on-the-ground report]SUPERGIRL:  Yes, I'm waiting to go back in...I'm sorry I'm just overly excited...I went to the ATM 30 minutes ago to get cash, I went into the grocery store to ask them if they own the ATM.  He said no.  I said I tried getting USD out and it won't let me.  He said it no longer will give you USD.  I said why?  He said because the currency rate just went up.  When did that happen?  Two days ago.  I said are you serious.  He said yes.

  I got some things for the week and it came out to $80 but he cannot accept USD so it's going to be more...I said how much more?  He said a lot more.  He told me $100 USD is probably $180.  FRANK:  These changes are occurring internally.  They're not advertising it.  Forex wants to get a hold of this but the CBI is not allowing it just yet.  They are still cleaning the terrorist activities...You try to get American dollars and they say no...They tell you to wait because the value is about to go up not of the American dollar but of the Iraqi dinar.  SUPERGIRL:  Yes.  He said it happened two days ago here in country.

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