Thursday, October 12, 2023



  If you are a student of Forex you will be able to see right now the Iraqi dinar is trading in massive volumes.  It is putting itself in position when the new exchange rate comes out.

 I'm frustrated like you.  I'm disappointed in Sudani although I should respect the process but dog-gone-it Sudani.

Alaq and Sudani are removing all foreign currency from your [Iraqi citizens'] country because they are protecting you and your national currency from any foreign terrorism.  They are using all mechanisms...These mechanisms come from the CBI.   They were structured by the monetary reform under Dr. Shabbibi. One of the last final things is to remove all foreign currency so you only have your currency in your country.

 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:  Sudani said the banks that did not have our money that we deposited have basically been using that money on the black market to make money with a high exchange rate and this will stop.  They better come up with the month to pay our deposited money back or actions will be taken by the CBI toward these banks.  He spoke to high end corruption and how this too will end.  FRANK:  I knew Sudani had everything under control but this is a little surprising to me.  It is very good news.