Wednesday, September 27, 2023


 Mon. 25 Sept. Wolverine: The end of fiat money and beginning of the Golden Zion Age of the Maharlika Nation.

  • The Maharlika Nation is the implementer of the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
  • No fiat currencies are legal on the QFS because all countries must follow the Gold Standard of finance. Money can only be printed in a country based on that country’s Gold Reserve and precious metals they have – the value of their rentable money.
  • All gold and backing assets of countries of the World cannot be ended. So in all countries which have little gold backage, or have bad influence such as the US (or other countries trying to run cash and make it digital currency), the economy will crash.
  • The US and other countries that intend to print money without gold backing will have their money lost. It will be considered “play money” or useless paper.
  • Should the currency of each country be revalued?  Yes – to get rid of the fiat money which will no longer be used. And, so that each country can use it’s reserves.
  • No country will suffer after the World’s illegal system is over. That’s why all countries have to join the new financial system (QFS) to prevent and eliminate any illegal activity or money laundering by banks.
  • So for all countries there will be an obligation to work in their own countries because there is no way to pay the wage. For instance, the contract they signed may be in US Dollar not the currency of the country for which they worked.
  • Money connected to the US Dollar has been greatly affected. All debt of every country based on fiat money will be eliminated – no matter how much it is. Large depositors around the World are having a difficult time withdrawing their money.
  • What was not known by many was that all accounts in all local, commercial and international banks were closed before the Pandemic. These banks will now be strict in allowing the amount of withdrawals of illegal funds. Many account holders connected to Mother Accounts are planning to withdraw their funds, but the banks won’t unlock their deposited monies. The contents of their accounts were confiscated and money returned to Nacion Royal.
  • The state of the bank is that it is empty of funds. All banks are based only on their deposits and that’s why the bankers are strict to allow withdrawals of fiat dollars.

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