Thursday, September 7, 2023


 MarkZ   [via PDK] 

  Question:   If IQD and VND have agreements…will they not float up together?   MarkZ:   I do not expect a float. But, I am prepared in case there is one.  I expect a substantial change in value …then maybe a small float. 

...we are starting to see changes in bank values etc. But, not an open trade on them yet...We have seen this in the past and it’s our theory that they are preparing the process when we see those rate changes. Is this the one where they actually pull the trigger???...The banker side has a lot of anticipation for late this afternoon ...

We have bank personnel keeping us abreast if any of these currencies become “tradable”...We will see what materializes.  

 There are interesting things showing on currency converters…from the Forbes one to the EIX…. There are some interesting values showing on many of our currencies... There are a lot of “inconsistencies” on currency calculators right now. We are seeing Bolivar made it up to .35 cents. (doesn’t mean you can exchange it right now) We tried... Dong rates have also been bouncing around... 

  Member comment:  [Guru] Frank26 says he knows someone with contracts in both Iraq and Vietnam who wanted to expand. His financial advisors told them wait…as both countries are about to change in a huge way.   MarkZ:  That would be accurate. The sheer amount of business those 2 countries do with each others currencies that both hold in their foreign currency reserves is huge. They have to both go at once.  IMO.

 We just need to get through the very end of what appears to be the end of our journey.  They are doing a good job on keeping people quiet. They have cracked down even harder on leaks.  They absolutely do not want anyone to know ahead of that money is moving.   Still hearing from the Iraqi side that…politicians are talking about a 1 to 1 rate yesterday in Iraq.

 I certainly expect more than that. Lots of rumors from Iraq that we may see the new rate this week. Just try to stay grounded…the news is all over the place.  Member comment:  Some gurus say it will happen within 24-48 hours.  Markz:  A lot of people at the upper levels of the banking world are saying that….

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