Friday, September 1, 2023



 It's the World Bank that is constantly meeting with the CBI governor and Sudani right now.  The reason why is because of the reforms...They can't make it any more clear...They are making sure Iraq is set up with external transfers.  This is all for the banking reform education.

1320 is not the official rate...that's just the street rate...They told you very plainly 1132 is the official exchange rate today.  I'm not saying they're using 2 exchange rates.  That's against the law.  But there's nothing against the law to have two sets of books.  The CBI website may show 1320 but IMO the economic reforms are at a different rate with permission to do so.  


 [via PDK]  ...I do have an update from the redemption side/wealth management. They are saying they were asked to stay close to home this week…in case they are needed. It may have nothing to do with us and exchanges…but something internal. I don’t know as of yet.

  I'm not getting anything negative...I still have group leaders that think we are going to break all speed records and still think we will get things done in the month of August, between now and tomorrow night at midnight.  They are going to have to do something quickly if they are going to meet those's encouraging.

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