Wednesday, September 27, 2023

"An Anomalous Case"... Economic Criticism Of Dealing In The Dollar In Local Markets, 27 SEPT

 "An Anomalous Case"... Economic Criticism Of Dealing In The Dollar In Local Markets

September 26 19:07   Information/private..  Today, Tuesday, economic expert Hazem Hadi criticized the dealing in the dollar in local markets, while he considered this situation “an anomaly,” among the main reason behind the high exchange rate.

The economic expert, Hazem Hadi, said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The market is governed by supply and demand. If demand exceeds supply, this will lead to a rise in the dollar, but the central bank will try gradually and by all means and methods to limit the unjustified rise.”'He added, "Limiting dealing in the dinar is important because it is the national currency," considering dealing in the dollar internally "an anomalous case, since most countries deal in their local currency internally."

The economic expert explained that “measures to limit dealing in the dinar internally will lead to reducing demand for the dollar, and as long as demand decreases, it will affect supply,” indicating that “the main problem is not internal demand, but rather external demand.”

He stressed the need to "reduce random and unjustified import operations, as most of the supplies of goods and services have no economic feasibility."

Earlier, a member of the House of Representatives, Muhammad Al-Sayhoud, confirmed that “there are local internal agendas, as well as international forces, that insist on the dollar remaining at this height,” pointing out that “the dollar is a major project whose goal is to force the government to follow a path that these international forces desire.” ".

The series of rise in the dollar exchange rates in Iraqi markets is still continuing, amid conflicting opinions about the real reasons that led to the exhaustion of the local currency again, especially as it began to rise to levels that warn of a great danger to the country’s economy.   LINK

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