Monday, August 28, 2023


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Sun. 27 Aug. TNT Tony: “Banks were notified this morning that it’s back on and crackin.”
  • Fri. 1 Sept. Carden Group: “I know that banks are planning to be closed for 5 days (software upgrade) coordinated and beginning from Fri. 1 Sept.
  • Months ago everything was completed for the Global Currency Reset, it just hasn’t been announced. The BRICS nations, BRICS bank and QFS have been fully trading in gold-backed digital currency for 8-9 months.” …Charlie Ward
  • Fri. 25 Aug. TNT Call: The three letter agencies are at the highest level of alert possible for the RV. The Iraqi government has until Sat. 26 Aug. to open the budget. Many people in powerful positions were arrested in Iraq this last week.
  • Fri. 25 Aug. MarkZ said tonight that he has heard that a couple of humanitarian projects have received full funding and are slowly rolling out.
  • Thurs. 24 Aug. Bruce: Bond Holders were told by authorities in Switzerland that they would be notified Friday 25 Aug. and get access to funds on  Saturday 26 Aug. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should be notified to set exchange/redemption appointments Saturday 26 Aug. or Monday 28 Aug. at the very latest. Within 24 hours of Trump’s arraignment the RV should be started – or by Fri. 25 Aug. 7:00 pm EST
  • Charlie Ward said that Tier4b would be able to exchange foreign currencies and redeem Zim Bonds after that Global Currency Reset was announced.
  • Shelton Levert said that Paymasters would start paying Tier3 after the BRICS Summit ended on Thurs. 24 Aug.
  • Wolverine claimed that on Fri. 18 Aug. Wells Fargo Bank received the cash release codes and the global launch of the funds took place across the Planet, marking the beginning of the registered global asset redemption program.
  • The Global Currency Reset appeared to be announced on Tues. 22 Aug. 2023 whenthe BRICS Summit launched BRICS Pay, a decentralized multicurrency digital international payments system.
  • by JUDY

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