Saturday, August 19, 2023


Headlines for Fri. 18 Aug. 2023:

  • On Thurs. evening 17 Aug. the US Crypto Market crashed, while China’s giant Evergreen Real Estate took out bankruptcy – either of which could result in a global financial crash – expected by Tues. 22 Aug.
  • On Mon. 21 Aug. President Trump will Tweet “My fellow citizens, a storm is brewing” that will activate GESARA/NESARA and unleash Global Martial Law. After which seven EBS text messages will be sent out alerting to tune in to TV, radio or phone.
  • Tues. 22 Aug. a Global Financial crisis including a crash of the New York Stock Market could happen, while Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) could receive notification to set foreign currency exchange and Zim Bond redemption appointments.
  • Tues. 22 Aug. Wed. 23 Aug. and Thurs. 24 Aug. was the BRICS Summit where major financial changes affecting countries across the World will be announced.
  • The Global Alliance Military will instigate Global Martial Law and shut down all media, internet, phone and TV programs. Emergency services will still work, while the Internet and ATMs will not work during that time, and phones will only work if you call 911.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Thurs. 17 Aug. MarkZ: “I have been assured Iraq plans to finish in the month of August and bankers are still looking at around  Sun. 20th Aug.”
  • Bruce: On Thurs. 17 Aug. or Fri. 18 Aug. Bond Holders were to receive new NDAs. They had to sign and return those NDAs to Wells Fargo by Fri. night 18 Aug. They would receive emails Sat. 19 Aug. that would give them access to funds on Mon. 21 Aug. or Tues. 22 Aug.
  • Fri. 18 Aug. Texas Snake: “Some very positive steps are being taken behind the scenes which all point to a very positive week upcoming. Hang in there, folks.”
  • Fri. 18 Aug. Wolverine: Wells Fargo Bank has received the cash release codes. The redemption of financial instruments has just begun. The global launch of the funds has just taken place in all parts of the world, marking the beginning of Redemption’s registered global asset redemption program. Clearance from Reno arrived at 9pm. On Sat. 19 Aug. from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. will be the calls for direct managers”
  • Fri. 18 Aug. RV Highlights Mike Bara: “Latest I just heard: Mon. August 21st, Iraq links with gold or a gold backed currency and drops the dollar. Bankers see it when they wake up Tues. August 22nd, Iraq makes some kind of announcement on Wed. Aug. 23rd. Not sure it will be that dramatic, but there will be an announcement.”
  • Bruce: Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should receive notification for appointments and begin to go in for those appointments on Tues. 22 Aug. or Wed. 23 Aug.
  • The fiat US Dollar can be used in US, Canada and Mexico for the next three months.
  • Tues. 22 Aug. Wed. 23 Aug. and Thurs. 24 Aug. is the BRICS Summit where major financial changes will be announced.
  • Texas gold backed currency goes into effect  Fri. 1 Sept.
  • Thurs. 17 Aug. Bitcoin, Ethereum Flash Crash Triggers $800 Million in Liquidations – Decrypt and had a One $ billion crash:
  • Tues. 22 Aug. Wed. 23 Aug. and Thurs. 24 Aug. is the BRICS Summit and major financial changes will be announced.
  • Approximately 85% of countries around the world will be part of BRICS and have their own gold/asset-backed currency.
  • by JUDY 

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