Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Global Currency Reset:

  • The BRICS Summit that began Tues. 22 Aug. and goes to Thurs. 24 Aug in Johannesburg South Africa just launched BRICS Pay, a decentralized multicurrency digital international payments system. Is this the formal Announcement of the Global Currency Reset?
  • Tues. 22 Aug. Bruce: Bond Holder emails go out Thurs. 24 Aug. with access to fundson Friday 25 Aug. The Military Timeline Window for Tier 4b notification was Wed. 23 Aug. to Sat. 26 Aug. On Thurs. 24 Aug. Iraqi citizens will be paid retroactive back to Oct. 2022.
  • Tues. 22 Aug. MarkZ: “Over 40 countries sick and tired of the western led world order are clamoring to join a group where China and Russia are members. With 40 countries pushing this…its over 60% of the worlds GDP..…..with just the original 5 members its over half the world’s population.”
  • Mon. 21 Aug. TNT Call: The RV is going to occur in the coming days. It should be by the end of the month. The Iraqi citizens are being told that in the coming days the rate is going to change and the corruption will be dealt with. Spectacular arrests will be made this week.
  • Charlie Ward: Tier4b will be able to exchange foreign currencies after the Global Currency Reset is announced.
  • Shelton Levert just said the Paymasters will start paying Tier3 AFTER BRICK’s Summit. Summit ends on the 24th.
  • Fri. 18 Aug. Wolverine:  Wells Fargo Bank has received the cash release codes. The redemption of financial instruments has just begun. The global launch of the funds has just taken place in all parts of the world, marking the beginning of Redemption’s registered global asset redemption program. Clearance from Reno arrived at 9pm. On Sat. 19 Aug. from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. will bethe calls for direct managers”
  • Fri. 18 Aug. RV Highlights Mike Bara: “Latest I just heard: Mon. August 21st, Iraq links with gold or a gold backed currency and drops the dollar. Bankers see it when they wake up Tues. August 22nd, Iraq makes some kind of announcement on Wed. Aug. 23rd. Not sure it will be that dramatic, but there will be an announcement.”

Redemption Center Appointments, David Wilcock:

  • Redemption Center Appointments are for those to receive monies owed from NESARA/ GESARA funds and also for those wishing to exchange foreign currencies and Zim Bonds.
  • Appointment times will be done in three separate groups: ages 24-44, 45 to 60 and 61 and older. The 61 and older will go in first.
  • You will have 8-12 days to get to your appointment.
  • At your appointment you will set up your Quantum Account which is identified by your own biometric positive energy (criminals with negative energy will not be given access to a Quantum Account).
  • You will also receive your Quantum Access Bank Card called Quack which is unique to you based on your biometric energy. No one can access that account but you.
  • You will also receive a laptop that connects to the Star Link Satellite System and from which you can access your Quantum Account.

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 EXCERPTS FROM MARKZ MZ : Redemption folks are working this weekend. They may just be closing out their wealth management for the year… Memb...