Tuesday, August 8, 2023



[via PDK]

We have a great bank story…out of North Carolina from a Regional Bank. A person goes in their local branch…There is a new office in there. …In it is a currency exchange room with pictures of mostly European currencies on them.  The person asked what this was about?… It was explained to them that they would be handling a lot of currencies. The person said “I have a lot of …“Vietnamese dong, “ The branch manager said “That’s great”  The person asked “What do you think the rate is going to be? The bank manager said “Around $3 is what we are hearing…”

Iraq shut down Telegram yesterday for National Security ”  This was yesterday about noon their time. From a number of news agencies. They said it’s for “national security” that they suspended the popular messaging system.  We were also told they wanted control of information across borders in and out of Iraq close to the revaluation.  So things could not leak…It could be. We were told they would start controlling currency movement at the borders …and control the press releases…at that time… I think its interesting…let’s see if it pans out.

Nader From The Mid East

Let me explain…why the parallel market is so hard to get out of it…If you live in Iraq and you have say, $1000.  If you go to the bank or you go in an exchange office they will change your dollar for 1320-1310 plus some fees.  You lose a lot of money.  If you go to the parallel market…can be in a street changing money, without license, without anything… You come see me [Street vendor] with $1,000 and I’ll give you 1500 dinar for a dollar

Where would you go?  Would you come to me?  Of course you would come to me because you’ll make more money on your dollars…That’s why it’s so hard…That’s why the parallel market will always exist.  It will never go off no matter how many they’re gonna arrest.  But they can control it.  Instead now it’s 70% parallel market will become like 20%, 10% maybe.  The dinar is going to be a lot stronger if the parallel market goes down to 10%-20%


They already have 132 tons of gold.  Now they’re coming in with another 50 tons per year.   They’re planning on making this the strongest currency in the world.  There’s no question in my mind.  They already have the strongest currency in the world because they’ve got 110 billion in cash in reserves…they’re over 100% coverage of their full money supply.  No other country has that strong of a currency… they’re not messing around.   They want to have the strongest currency in the world. 

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

Article Quote:
Regarding the increase in the monetary mass, Khalaf stressed that the process of increasing the monetary mass is directly linked to the process of increasing the foreign reserves owned by the Central Bank, so any financing for the public treasury is through the exchange of dollars obtained from oil sales with dinars, and therefore any increase in the dinar mass comes mainly from foreign currency…There is no fear of any increase in the monetary mass.”

There we have it. The Central Bank is not going to increase the monetary mass.  There should be no fear of any increase in it from here on out. The CBI is giving reassurances to the citizens on that matter.

If they issue new notes, 1s, 5s, 10s, 20s, 50s etc alongside the bigger notes they’re going to be able to be in country side by side for a period of up to 10 years…

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