Monday, August 28, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ 08/28/2023

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to another week of hoping, praying and wishing…

Member: I wonder what does it mean for us that the new county's to join Brics are excepted jan.1 2024?

Member: Hope the RV doesn’t take that long. 

Member: Looking for a September to remember?

Member:  Today is the anniiversary of the Martin Luther King Speech. I have a Dream on Aug/28th 1963

MZ: the chatter this morning is things are very much “ back on track” ….

Member: None of us knew things were “off track”  so how were things off track and why are they now on track???

Member: Can you TELL us some of that chatter please. We need some encouragement bad. 

MZ: Monday s are usually super slow, so to get news over the weekend from a number of group leaders  that things are back on track with great expectations is good. We do have a number of folks on the bond side expecting final contracts tomorrow . 

Member: What do final contracts mean???

MZ: Final contracts means they will be getting the final accounting, final documentation and final pricing and a “PERCENTAGE” of the transaction along with those. 

Member: so they get a little pocket money…..hopefully they get the rest when we get to go. 

MZ: I was hoping that would happen today but Europe and Asia didn’t get any out yet. But a lot of expectations for tomorrow from a number of bond sources. 

MZ: From my DHS contact- CMKX is ready. But nothing specific on timing. 

MZ: it was the group leaders that really lit me up over the weekend with all their preparations for this coming week and all the bond folks with expectations for their final contracts and to also receive a small percentage of their money this week.

MZ: So cross your fingers …I am hearing things are now off of “stuck” 

MZ: for evening podcasts- the only day that will be normal is Wednesday. The rest of the week is very fluid. I have a lot of work to be accomplished this week. So no set schedule this week. 

Member:  I heard rumor that 10 days will start this week….it would be a good cover for the RV.

Member: There is this Big EBS test that's scheduled for Oct. 4th. Is it prepare us for something bigger?

Member:  We’re Going to get the EBS Wednesday as Hurricane IDALIA blows through Florida

MZ: I am told it wont really be 10 days of darkness….just media silence to get out the truth. 

Member: They need to start that now……so many people still fast asleep. 

Member:  Disclose TV Network-wide failure of UK air traffic control systems, airspace is reportedly completely shut.

Member:  Trying to stay positive but it’s hard when nothing is really happening in the public eye..We sure need to see some truth happen….and something real. 

Member: I pray this is our week . It's getting harder and harder to keep the faith.

Member: For those of you who have been riding this RV roller coaster for many years, God bless you. As of this week, I have been riding it for 1 year.

Member: I have been waiting for over 17 years……this has really gotten exhausting

Member: I think part of our responsibilities of being foreign current holders, is to rebuild America after all this devastation that is being caused by the evil ones.

Member: Hurricane season is on us. Everyone stay safe

Member:  Prayers for those in need and happy birthday to those celebrating today!

Member: Praying that the mythical “ boy who cried wolf” finally meets that damn wolf. 

Member: Everyone have a great day. 


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