Thursday, August 17, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ 08/17/2023

PDK Note: I will only transcribe RV Related or Intel with Financial relevance. ….So if there are no notes transcribed…there usually was little to no RV news at all included in that particular podcast. 

Thursday Morning News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning RV friends

Member: Good morning everyone. Isaac hasn’t posted in 10 days

MZ:  I’m telling you-so many of the bond folks have gone dead silent. Either there is nothing to post…they are tired of all the BS being posted or they are under a NDA.   Which is it. 

Member: They must all be frustrated beyond belief… the rest of us. 

MZ: I believe it will stay quiet until we cross the finish line. 

MZ: No CMKX news…Mr. C has not been paid…..there is still expectations from groups for around Aug 20th…..….but there is no physical, spendable money in anyone’s accounts. 

MZ: But, I have been assured Iraq plans to finish in the month of August. And banksers are still looking at around the 20th…..I hope that is accurate. And yes…I am an optimist. 

MZ: In Iraq “  The real reason Russia is ramping up oil production in Iraq”  I had no idea Russia had such a strong presence in the Kurdish region …This has been allowing Russia to get around a lot of sanctions. 

MZ: This may be why there is a big push to move US military to the Kurdish region….Could the Us be trying to throttle Luc oil from Russia??? This is a guess but to me this makes sense. 

Member: I am worried about all the US troops sent to Iraq this week….that they are there to stop the RV. 

Member: Couldn’t the US Military be in Iraq to serve as a protective detail, knowing what’s about to happen??

Member: Rumor is Iraq is joining BRICS on the 24th?

MZ: I have yet to find that. I have seen some references that they are seeking approval….but, nothing that says the 24th. They have clearly shown interest in joining  BRICS. 

Member:  If they are announcing they are joining BRICS…..It might already be a done deal. Imo

Member:  Curious to know, in the realm of conversations and happenings, what noteworthy gem or captivating piece of information has come your way?

MZ: I heard of someone who just had $174 thousand dollar student loan debt  wiped this week….its been confirmed……we are starting to see some movement.  We are seeing amounts just “removed”  …doesn’t exist anymore. 

MZ: this seems to be exceptionally sporadic.  I hypothesize that they are doing these “piecemeal”  to see what the behavior is of these folks. Does it spur spending?   I think what we may be seeing is the last of the research to know what to expect when Nesara/Gesara kicks in and we see major debt removal. 

MZ: “ Wells Fargo with 4K branches announces difficult choice to close 37 branches in 16 states”  With the QFS they are not going to need all these locations…that is why many are changing  how they look….The entire banking world is changing. 

Member:  Passed by a large Chase bank in Dover NJ yesterday. New glass doors say Wealth Management Center. For those who find it interesting…

Member: A small town about 5 miles from me just changed their bank over to a wealth management center.

Member: Banking story. was in a well fargo branch yesterday. banker also heard of big changes, but not officially from wells fargo.

Member: US BANK just informed me of wealth services available and changes current and full completion by Sept 1 2023 for transactions in few seconds timing- in a nutshell.

Member: My husband has US Bank also, and I don’t know if they are using FedNow, and what is backing them. They can say all they want that they are asset backed, although are they?

Member:  Crytohulk read a Texas bill last week that goes into effect September 1 for the implementation of a gold backed currency by the Office of the Comptroller

Member:  MarkZ are you going to publish the #800 numbers on your website? I'm for Europe are you going to publish for us as well?

Member: Recaps, Chronicles <Mark, Bruce, Frank , TNT ecct…will all probably post what they ccan…..noone will miss it. 

Member: Many still think Iraq will float. 

MZ:  My sources still believe straight to contract rates for us…

Member: Best to be prepared for both ways….just in case 


Member: Also keep prayers going for everyone on Maui…..

Member: I pray for all of us the RV will happen this month...It's time for all people to live without the constrictions of needing money

Member: “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten” Joel 2:25

Member: Have a Blessed day Patriots, Mods and MarkZ.


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