Wednesday, July 12, 2023


 Tues. 11 July 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#

  • On Sat. 8 July at 9 am Redemption Center Staff were inputting codes for currencies going up in value, including the US Note.
  • They had a problem with Iraq Refidian Bank where 830 bankers were still making deals with fiat currencies, so they were arrested.
  • The code input started again this morning and was wrapped up late this afternoon Tues. 11 July.
  • Yesterday Mon. 10 July Iraq had a meeting, continued today and will go through tomorrow.
  • The new Iraqi Dinar Rate should be announced and printed in Gazette Wed. 12 July.
  • New rates should be announced 11 am EST Wed. 12 July.
  • Tier4b notifications  should come out Wed. 12 July afternoon or Thurs. 13 July morning.
  • Wed. 12 July or Thurs. 13 July a political change should be announced – Tier4b notifications would be out.
  • Three hours after notification, Tier4b exchange/ redemption appointments will start.
  • On day one you would have 1% access to your exchange funds that would last you for the first 90 days. After that you would have access to all of your exchange funds.

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