Sunday, July 23, 2023


 Iraq Is Focusing On The "Most Powerful Country In The European Union" And Is Planning A Military And Economic "Alliance".

Policy  |Today   Baghdad today - Baghdad   Today, Sunday (July 23, 2023), the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee described France as one of the strongest countries of the European Union allied to Iraq, while indicating that Baghdad is planning joint security, military and economic action with Paris.

A member of the committee, Amer Al-Fayez, told "Baghdad Today" that "France is considered one of the strongest countries of the European Union, an ally of Iraq, and there is a joint security and military work between the two countries, in addition to economic files that concern the conditions of the region in general, as there is joint coordination between Baghdad and Paris."

And Al-Fayez stated, "The visit of French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecorno to Iraq a few days ago comes to strengthen security and military cooperation between the two countries, especially since Iraq has worked greatly to remove the threat of terrorism from the world by fighting and defeating the terrorist organization ISIS, and this visit comes as a complement to the Iraqi Prime Minister's visit to Paris, to complete the discussion of files with a security and military dimension."

On Wednesday (July 19, 2023), the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani, received the Minister of the French Armies, Sebastien Licorno, and his accompanying delegation.

According to a statement issued by Al-Sudani's office, which was received by "Baghdad Al-Youm", the meeting witnessed a discussion of bilateral relations between the two countries, and prospects for developing them at the security level, within the scope of the international coalition, and within the framework of advice and training to raise the performance of the Iraqi security forces, and an emphasis on continuing bilateral cooperation to continue training, cooperation in the field of armaments, and exchange of information.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister praised France's support for the Iraqi forces, referring to the (strategic partnership agreement) that was signed during his visit to France last January, which represents a clear action map for the development of Iraqi-French relations in the fields of economy, security, energy, culture, education, and others.

Al-Sudani stressed, according to the statement, that the government is working to organize the relationship with the international coalition in Iraq, in a way that is commensurate with the post-war phase against the terrorist gangs of ISIS, as this phase is witnessing a significant growth in the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces in their various types of military.

Armament File Is Present

Al-Sudani spoke about the government's interest in the issue of training and arming, and the desire to cooperate with French companies in this regard, especially in the field of air force, defense system and military industrialization, stressing that cooperation with France is not limited to the security aspect only, but also extends to several fields, in light of the availability of real opportunities for an enhanced partnership of integration between the two countries.

For his part, the French Minister of Armies conveyed the greetings of French President Emmanuel Macron to the Prime Minister, and affirmed the French government's readiness to cooperate with Iraq in the field of training, armament and capacity development. He also indicated the seriousness of his country's government in providing everything Iraq needs and developing real partnerships with it.

On Wednesday (July 19, 2023), an official source in the Kurdistan region stated that the French Defense Minister, Sebastien Licorno, will arrive in Erbil today, coming from the capital, Baghdad, to meet with officials in the region.

The source said in an interview with "Baghdad Today": that Licorno will visit Erbil, coming from the capital, Baghdad, through its international airport, and will hold a series of expanded meetings with the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, and the president of the region, Nechirvan Barzani.

According to the source, the French Minister of Defense will discuss strengthening and increasing coordination between the international coalition forces with the Iraqi forces and the Peshmerga forces.

Regional Security

The French Minister of Defense began a visit to Baghdad on Tuesday (July 18, 2023), with a meeting with his Iraqi counterpart to discuss the French arming of Iraq and confirm his country's position in helping it fight terrorism and drug smuggling.

Iraq is focusing on the "most powerful country in the European Union" and is planning a military and Iraqi Defense Minister Thabet al-Abbasi said after his meeting at his ministry's headquarters in Baghdad with his French counterpart, Sebastien Licorne, in a tweet on "Twitter": I received the French Minister of Armies, Sebastien Licorne, where we held bilateral talks on regional security and joint cooperation between the two countries.  LINK


Exchange Rates Rise Again Above 150 Thousand Dinars Per 100 Dollars

2023-07-23 | 2,601 views   Economy   Alsumaria News publishes the exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the Iraqi local markets for Sunday, July 23, 2023.

In Baghdad:   the purchase price of the dollar is 152,500 for every 100 dollars, an increase of 500 dinars from yesterday.  The selling price of the dollar is 150,500 per 100 dollars

in the north:   the buying price of the dollar is 152,750 per 100 dollars, an increase of 750 dinars from yesterday.   The selling price of the dollar is 150,750 per 100 dollars

in the south:   the buying price of the dollar is 152,500 per 100 dollars, an increase of 500 dinars from yesterday.   The selling price of the dollar is 150,500 per 100 dollars LINK


An Economist Rules Out Approving The Oil And Gas Law.. And The Region Accuses Baghdad Of Trying To Impose Centralization

Oil expert Mazen Al-Aboudi confirmed that the oil and gas law is one of the most controversial laws and is the backbone of all disputes between the region and the federal government, ruling out the possibility of passing it soon, ruling out the possibility of its approval soon.  Al-Aboudi said in a press interview seen by Taqaddam that “there is difficulty in passing the law, and it is not as some imagine,” noting that “the real dilemma behind the delay in its approval is who has the right to invest, revenues, and management.”


He added, "The investment law in the Kurdistan region differs from the federal law, and the licensing rounds are also different," ruling out "the possibility of its approval simply and easily."

The Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee pledged passing the oil law to achieving consensus and removing many obstacles, and urged seeking to create the appropriate environment to solve some of the accumulated problems to advance the legislation of the law during the current parliamentary session.

And the Kurdistan Regional Government returned to accuse the federal government of trying to impose centralization through its insistence on managing the region's oil.

“The Iraqi government claims that the Kurdistan region does not know how to control the oil file and spend its financial revenues,” said the Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs in the Kurdistan Region, Peshtuan Sadiq, in a speech he delivered among crowds of clerics in the administration of the Soran region.  The Kurdish minister regrets that “federalism has not been achieved in any way.”

Iraq Reduces Its Holdings Of US Bonds To More Than $8 Billion

2023-07-23 Shafaq News / The US Treasury announced, on Sunday, that Iraq has reduced its holdings of US bonds to more than $8 billion during the first five months of 2023.

The treasury said in its latest table seen by Shafaq News Agency, "Iraq reduced its holdings of bonds during the first five months of this year, starting from January to May, by $8.5 billion, to reach the 36th rank among the countries with the largest holdings of US treasury bonds, of the 38 countries listed in the table of countries."

And she added, "Iraq's possession of US bonds in January amounted to 41.2 billion dollars, to decrease to 40.7 billion dollars in February, and to decrease to 39.3 billion dollars in March, after which it decreased again in April to 34.8 billion dollars, and decreased in May to 32.7 billion dollars," noting that "Iraq's possession of US bonds in January of the year 2022 amounted to 40.8 billion dollars."

She pointed out that "Iraq was the fourth largest Arab country in the largest possession of US bonds, after Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait."   LINK

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