Monday, July 31, 2023


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY:  Some currency expert is on the news, on the financial section and he’s saying the future of the dinar could reach 3 to 1 with the American dollar by the year 2025 .

FRANK: I believe he’s from the CBI…that can only happen in a float.  That’s the hot theme I’m trying to teach you.  The international float is the education of monetary reform being drilled into the citizens right now.  That’s the phase of monetary reform education right now.  The external international float of their national currency that’s soon to come…To see a float over a year and half is logical and stable.

Is the governor of the CBI the one that makes the decision on when to release the new exchange rate?  Turns out it is the Board of Directors.

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