Sunday, July 9, 2023


 Nader From The Mid East

Be patient until next year okay.  It’s not long 2024…between March and July next year…


[via PDK]

…the chatter out of Iraq is…all eyes are between now and the 12th when they release the funds in their budget…is there a lot of hope that’s when it will go…absolutely… They certainly have everything in place to pull the trigger.

Frank26 (KTFA)


"How long would an external float take – A day, week, month?

They’re all different…this one is based…on how long it’s taken, good grief it was only supposed to take 10 years, it’s taken twice that amount…First of all we want it to at least be 1 to 1How long will it take to get to $1.50 to 1 IMO because it’s take so bloody long, probably within 1 month.  How long would it take to get to $2 to 1At that same speed.  Probably within two to three month. How long would it take it to get to what it was – $3.22 and to maybe $3.86?Probably within less than 6 months.

Do you think the new small category notes will be announced soon?”

Yes, I sincerely do.  When the CBI was having all of its meeting I suggested…that they should come up with a date when those small category notes would be released.

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

They want their citizens to use the dinar because the dinar is going to great demand by using it and create a stable environment.  The whole purpose of this is to get these folks to be a one currency country.  No multi-currency practices.  It’s to maintain the strength of the Iraqi dinar in financial and commercial transactions… They’re ceasing the multi-currency practices…everyone buys and sells in Iraqi dinars… whoever is not doing it is .

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