Sunday, August 4, 2024

Iraqi dinar 💥 Revaluation Coming Soon From Federal Reserve Bank & CBI 💥 ...




Urgent study to localize gold in Iraq


Minister of Trade Athir Dawood Al Ghurairi discussed this morning, Thursday, with a number of gold traders the obstacles they face in their work inside Iraq and working to provide the necessary facilities to localize the gold industry in the country.

During the meeting, the Minister of Trade confirmed, according to a statement by the ministry, a copy of which was received by {Al-Furat News}, that “the Ministry of Trade, within its ministerial program and concerned with formulating trade and foreign policy, is working to support and organize the work of commercial sectors, including the gold trade sector, due to its great weight in the country’s economy.”

Al-Ghariri said, “Through this meeting, we want to identify the work mechanisms and obstacles in order to provide the appropriate environment for economic growth and develop policies that contribute to enhancing the position of the gold sector in the local and international market.”

The Minister of Trade pointed out that "the Ministry is ready to cooperate with traders and begin taking steps to overcome obstacles and provide the appropriate environment to achieve the localization of the gold industry within Iraq according to the needs of the market and the consumer, so that this industry returns as it was before, and even stronger, in light of the government's direction to support the commercial and industrial sector in the country."

Minister Al-Ghariri announced, "While speaking about regulating commercial sectors, instructions will soon be issued to regulate e-commerce in Iraq. This is a step towards updating commercial policies and keeping pace with developments in this area to provide a safe and prosperous commercial environment that contributes to driving the national economy."

For their part, the gold traders thanked the Minister for his interest and support, and raised a number of problems and challenges facing their work, expressing their hope that these meetings would contribute to improving and developing this sector.

According to the statement, the meeting resulted in “an agreement to submit a comprehensive study to localize this industry, following the example of developed countries that have been famous for this industry in recent decades. A period of fifteen days was set to prepare the study, and another meeting will be held to explain the study, its basic aspects, and its returns, in order to come up with recommendations to be presented to the relevant government agencies and take the appropriate decision.”




Texas Snake, [08/03/2024, 7:12:43 p. m.]

It is presently 3:10 AM in Bagdad Monday morning and additional info is coming forward over and above what was shared on the Conf Call I was included in last night.  Still very encouraged about tomorrow in US as well as this coming week.



Well folks never have suggested dates or rates but I am really looking forward to this weekend.  GOD Bless everyone

I am waiting on a CC but you are welcome to add ypur views


Texas Snake, [07/31/2024, 8:12:51 p. m.]:

While I was advised about this time yesterday that an announcement at midnight EDT we would be advised the RV would begin, this info could not be confirmed so I didn't share.  As usual no such announcement was forthcoming.

  All I can say folks all provisions for RV exchanges are completed relative to those trained to complete the exchanges and we continue to move forward.  

We are closer each day so stay strong and continue to pray this..FOR READ MORE:

Iraqi Dianr News Today Iraq RV Hype and New Exchange Rate Five-Year Plan...




Prime Minister's Advisor: We are moving towards reforming the government banking sector


Baghdad: The pillar of the emirate

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Dr. Mazhar Mohammed Salih, stated that reforming the banking system is one of the most prominent priorities of the government program, due to its positive impact on all aspects of the economy, indicating that the first steps of this reform began through the government banking sector, which currently dominates more than 85 percent of the banking system's assets, and its banking operations and activities account for almost the same percentage of total deposits and credit.
Earlier, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani chaired a special meeting to develop the work of government banks, and directed the finalization of procedures for developing the work of Rafidain Bank. The Prime Minister
's media office said that during the meeting, which was attended by representatives of Ernst & Young for auditing and financial consulting, Al-Sudani was briefed on the technical and administrative procedures for the Rafidain Bank development project, which were taken during the period following the signing of the contract with the company specialized in structuring and developing work in the banking sector.
It is noteworthy that the Rafidain Bank development plan includes a comprehensive review and evaluation of the bank's work, and structural administrative reforms, aiming to provide a package of integrated banking services to citizens and companies, relying on advanced electronic programs, modern technology in all banking transactions, optimal use of human and technical resources, and transitioning to automated work, which helps the bank's ability to meet
global banking requirements.
Advisor Saleh told Al-Sabah: "The government's vision for economic reform focused largely on banking reform, which is one of the priorities of the government's program, and the first steps began through Rafidain Bank," noting that "the reform principles established by the government program, which was approved by the House of Representatives, are based on regular executive priorities, foremost of which is reforming the banking sector, as the Prime Minister's vision for economic reform focused on reforming the government banking sector, which currently dominates more than 85 percent of the banking system's assets, and its banking operations and activities account for almost the same percentage of total deposits and
bank credit."
Saleh pointed out that this beginning came because these banks are large and important, but they are burdened with the legacy left by the conflicts of the past half century and their repercussions on the efficiency of this large banking system, whose capital base still constitutes only a low percentage not exceeding 22 percent of the total capital of the banking system, indicating that "in light of this banking dominance burdened by inherited problems, our country suffers from limited growth in the activity of the banking market and its division between private banks, the number of which exceeds 50 banks, but they are limited in activity in deposits and credit, but they do not have a unified and homogeneous competitive banking market with government banks, as government banks monopolize market shares and banking activity and they are suffering greatly and their activity lives on sovereign banking liquidity as they are banks of a purely rentier nature that deal with large government deposits that affect their liquidity."
The government advisor explained that "in order to advance the Iraqi banking market, the first steps of reform have inevitably begun with government banks, especially major commercial banks such as Rafidain Bank. Based on the above, and with the aim of making government banks operate according to capital efficiency standards and lead the financing and development activity in the country on competitive foundations that provide financial inclusion at the same time, the study being prepared by the global auditing and accounting firm Ernst Young is based on the principle of creating a highly efficient government commercial banking sector that takes the initiative with the rest of the banking market in financing market activity on digital foundations and financial and accounting technologies in accordance with modern financial engineering.
He pointed out that this leads to the birth of a government bank specialized in managing government banking operations exclusively and is a fundamental pillar in organizing the treasury account and stabilizing government cash flow budgets, i.e. at the same time being the arm of public finance in government banking organization."
Saleh believes that these steps can achieve the goals that lead to “the birth of a homogeneous banking market that operates according to competitive principles and can integrate with the local and international financial and banking system with high credit and banking efficiency required by the goals of sustainable development and the requirements of the availability of market institutions and their integration between financing services on the one hand and real investment and production growth on the
other hand.”



 Fri. 2 Aug. 2024 Redeeming Zim Bonds: Dave XRPLion $100T Trillion Dollar ZIM Bond$ Dirty Little Secret Just Got Exposed Must Watch Trump News | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

Judy Note: I have no opinion one way or the other on Dave’s above information in the video. I assume it is in his opinion only because I have not heard him quote instructions from any high up source having to do with the Zim Redemption. I do not know from where he gets his information.

  • It is my opinion from information I have learned over the nine years I have been in this GCR, that you need to type up a simple 1-2 page summary of your Humanitarian Project including goals you hope to achieve; how many people you will employ; the length of your project (how many years you want funding); have an idea of how much money you will need to do the project and write a paragraph about yourself including your interests and why you are qualified to do the project.
  • Have at least two type written copies of your project  to hand in at the time of your redemption.
  • If you do not have a specific Humanitarian Project you are doing yourself you will be offered the default rate on your Zim redemption – which is supposed to be very good.
  • At your Redemption Appointment they will be offering you opportunities to participate in the Global Humanitarian Projects.
  • If you do have a specific acceptable Humanitarian Project you are doing yourself they will make sure your Zim Redemption monies will cover the cost of your project.
  • You will be required to sign an NDA. Read it carefully. If you break the terms of the NDA all your account monies will be frozen and you may not get the money back – ever. That is why you may not want another person at your redemption appointment with you as they also will be required to sign the NDA and if they break it all your monies will be frozen. I do not know how this works for a married couple .

Economy In Peril? Why Unemployment Is Soaring; Fed To Cause More Damage ...