Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Excellent News For IQD Investors!🚩Rumors That New Rate is Out?!?🤔Dinar R...

Causing A Huge Financial Inflation.. Al-Saadi Identifies A Parliamentary "Point Of Contention" Regarding The Drug Law, 24 JULY

 Policy  2024-07-24 |404 views Alsumaria News - Special:  Today, Wednesday, the Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Murtada Al-Saadi, revealed the most prominent differences with the Parliamentary Health Committee regarding the Drug Law, while he pointed out the position of the Ministry of Interior regarding the naming of the law.

Al-Saadi told Sumaria News: "I submitted the drug law proposal at the beginning of the session and we worked on it for more than a year. There were many hostings and its first reading was completed after our efforts with the parliamentary health committee"

He added that "there is a point of disagreement about naming the site and whether it will be an agency, a commission or a directorate," indicating that "the legal committee stresses that it should remain a general directorate for drugs and this is an important part. "

He pointed out that "parties in the Ministry of Interior are working hard to make it a body, and we objected to it because it will cause significant inflation and save huge sums of money, which will result in flabbiness like the rest of the bodies."

He explained that "the committee is now with the Ministry of Health and the vision is one to proceed with preparing the report and working to complete this important law and withdraw all the observations submitted by the representatives."

Earlier this month, the head of the Parliamentary Health Committee,    Majid Shankali, said that "the committee will work during the current legislative session on the first amendment   to the Narcotics Law of 2017." LINK

Coffee with MarkZ. 07/24/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy hump day……hoping for a happy RV day soon……..

Member: Today is Hump Day so let's water this camel and head to the finish line...

MZ: Nothing negative…..just dry on the bond side…there are lots of rumors- just nothing worth repeating ….imo….  sometimes we see days like this.  If any of those rumors were true…you would already know it because we would be exchanging. 

Member: No news is better than fake news.

Member:  ​​Feels like 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Please let’s just go!

​​Member: At least the market is down almost 300 pts

Member:  ​​S&P 5005,473.42-82.32(-1.48%)Dow 3039,960.26-397.83(-0.99%)Nasdaq17,625.73-371.62

​​Member: Boards are blazing with this week or weekend but rumors are rumors until vetted

Member: Rumor from Bruce-notifications tomorrow?

Member: Hoping he is right. 

Member: Mark should we be on stand by for Notification today

MZ: It’s absolutely possible. I would not rule it out. 

Member: Mark. Have some trader friends that 2 years ago said I’m crazy thinking gold and commodities backed currencies..... told me yesterday they believe that is what’s going to happen

Member: (Fro dinar Guru) Guru Mnt Goat   Again, I have to ask as to why the reinstatement has not already occurred, if no other rate on FOREX than to reflect the assets of the oil rentier economy already established and ongoing as we know it prior to 1990.  Prior to 1990, the rate of the dinar was hovering around $3.22. So why are they still artificially suppressing the rate now? Now, it’s 1/6 of a penny? The war has been over for 21 years, all of Chapter VII sanctions are lifted a year and a half ago, Iraq is producing 1/3 more oil than in 1990, their monetary reserves are the highest in history, up to 150 tons of GOLD and many more other marketable assets are now in motion...  

Member: Who will the emails come from for notifications?

MZ: Totally Depends on where you signed up at to get notifications from. It could totally be different for you than it is for me.  Dinar Recaps, Chronicles , ect…... 

Member: The hard part for us we know the truth and we are impatient and want the truth to come out and this whole movie psyop whatever it is to end

Member: You're in a psyop stuck inside of a movie wrapped up in a reality show. Soon, it will be a documentary.

Member: The rats sure seem to be able to hold on. Roll credits please

Member: It looks as though we're headed into the home stretch!

Meber: Lord, we are weary, BUT we are ready !! Strengthen our resolve to help make this the world you wanted for us!

Member: Mark and Mods and PDK, thanks for all you guys do!

MZ: FYI- There will not be a Saturday podcast…..have visitors in town……

​​ Member: Blessings to All have a wonderful, wonderful day



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.




  Latest from Mark Z ~ 7.23.24 

MZ: Some interesting historic bond stuff. I am hearing comforting things from the bond side and this is coming from many sources….that historic paperwork –especially on the Asian bonds was sent to the Hague.

 MZ: I am also hearing the only reason the RV did not go over the weekend was fights over the value of some old German bonds. But things are now “unstuck” and seems to be moving much quicker now that the current administration is no longer delaying things . They are too preoccupied to keep slowing and stopping things right now.



 [via PDK] 

 I am...hearing the only reason the RV did not go over the weekend was fights over the value of some old German bonds. But things are now “unstuck” and seems to be moving much quicker now that the current administration is no longer delaying things . They are too preoccupied to keep slowing and stopping things right now.

 I know of a lot of banks with meetingsAre they preparing for a banking crash? Are they preparing for a Re-valuation? What are they preparing for

  I don’t think it’s a banking crash because they keep opening up wealth management offices?  To me it makes more sense that they are preparing for a revaluation. 

 There is so much going on this morning. There are all these rumors that they have the rate - but we can’t go to the bank yet. So take them with a bit of salt...

Folks in Geneva and the WTO are dead quiet. If they are trying to keep the RV quiet like Kuwait-they may be trying to keep the WTO news quiet until they have taken some of us in…and announced things publicly.

The Impact of Dropping Zeros on Iraqi Currency: Explained by Frank #iraq...

The role of the Iraq Stock Exchange in supporting monetary policy in Iraq, 24 JULY

 Lawyer and banking expert Saif Al-Halfi

The world is now moving with rapid steps racing with the wind in the role of stocks supporting monetary policies, especially since the old classical theories considered that stock markets are not among the tools of monetary policy. This concept reflected a traditional understanding where monetary policy focused on tools such as interest rates, monetary facilities, and banks’ cash reserves.

The development of theories and the difference in models of economic studies differ with the development of research, studies and the financial market from one country to another. It is difficult to make a theory applicable to all countries and different economies, from emerging economies to more complex economies. Because of this dialectic based on trying to understand and establish the nature of the relationship between financial markets and monetary policy, which has become more evident in many countries.

Stock markets have become part of the general economic strategy of governments and central banks, especially after the introduction of the idea of ​​cryptocurrencies and digital banks, as they directly affect consumption, investment and economic confidence.

Iraqi market

In the case of the Iraqi model and long years of economic stagnation as a rentier economy that relies primarily on oil to finance its annual budgets and the state of price speculation on the stability of the dollar exchange rate in local markets or what is known as the parallel dollar situation, we can 🤔 look at the Iraqi Stock Exchange as a tool supporting monetary policy and influencing the state of the rentier economy. This is done through:

1- Encouraging local and foreign investment. The stock market can be a quick and important means of attracting local capital, especially cash in circulation, and trying to return it to banking incubators and investing it in short-term investments through price maneuvers on the shares of emerging companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange or long-term investments by pumping these cash blocks into the shares of profit generating companies, which are companies that regularly achieve rewarding annual financial profits, thus enhancing the idea of ​​ withdrawing the accumulated cash liquidity and returning it to banking incubators in a way that reduces immediate and temporary speculation on the parallel dollar in the local market.

It also creates real opportunities for foreign capital moving between emerging markets to enter, which provides them with the opportunity for quick entry, profitable investment and safe exit.

2- Diversifying the economy from excessive dependence on oil. The stock market can be used to encourage local and international investments in sectors that create greater economic diversity than usual and a state of rapid sales and price maneuvers for shares of promising companies in Iraq.

3- Absorbing liquidity The stock market can play an important role in absorbing excess liquidity in the economy, which helps control inflation. This depends on the ability of the Iraqi market to be quick in price transactions from buying and selling through the shares of the companies listed in it and pressuring brokerage firms to apply and activate the latest smart systems and phone applications for daily sales and contracts executed in it, as well as encouraging the publication of financial data for Iraqi companies on international platforms that encourage understanding the culture of Iraqi company shares.

One of the most important economic theories that support that financial markets can be an effective tool in monetary policy is the Wealth Effec theory, which is summarized and almost consistent with understanding the dialectic of the Iraqi economy and the stock market economy.

 More consistent with the Iraqi model is the Wealth Effect Theory, written by Gregory Mankiw. Its summary is that the rise in the value of financial assets among individuals gives them an incentive to withdraw money and re-inject it into purchasing new assets and stocks in order to increase wealth and gives them a feeling of wealth, which prompts them to spend on consumption and develop the national economy.

 In conclusion, all these theories and studies support the idea that financial markets can be an effective and successful tool in achieving economic stability and enhancing growth, especially in emerging markets such as Iraq. If the Iraqi stock market is exploited in the right way that attracts local and international investments, it can help diversify the Iraqi economy and create new opportunities that drive economic integration in Iraq, making the Iraqi Stock Exchange a valuable tool for monetary policies.  link


 💢 GINTEL PART 1/2 - 😁 Hello, Happy Campers!! Coded message for all you genius camping enthusiasts 🙌😁💥 late night 7.23.24 

💢 I've long since explained to you that all of the Camp Directors had been funded for the Triple Cabin Extravaganza to commence. We've been waiting all this time for some movement where Campers would enjoy their 💦 White Water Rapids trip 💦. Right about now, they'd better be packing their 👙🏖️. We hope they are gonna get drenched soon! 😁 

💢 Some really fun things are on the itinerary for Happy Campers! One of the Big Chief Camp Directors, called "Admiralias Renocerous The Great" was heard today, saying, "I'm QB1", meaning "The ball 🏈 is finally in his hands" and he's got the go ahead to score, which will make all the Happy Campers at the Triple Cabin Extravaganza cheer with excitement, standing to their feet, roaring with joy. As of tonight, Renocerous Campers aren't drenched 💦, but we're hopeful and expectant that they'll be happily drifting on their 💦 White Water Rapid excursion 💦 in the next few days. 

💢 As you know, Camp Directors in Zurich are happily anticipating positive movement 💦 in the European Base of Operations for the Triple Cabin Extravaganza. They are excitedly announcing for their Happy Campers to suit up 🩳 👙 😎 and prepare for their adventure to begin!! I've heard two friends who have 🏕️ Camping Extravaganza Reservations in Zurich who were told by their Camp Director that they will be at the Campfire and campsite picnic table for very special meetings before the end of July. 

💢 More Triple Cabin Extravaganza News International 💥😁💥 - Happy Campers who hold German Bonds are currently yodeling in German. Happy Campers who hold Yellow Dragon 🐲 Bonds by the box and affectionately called "whales" - will be swimming with said dragons very soon - and they won't be hard to find like the Loc Ness Monster 😛😆😂 Swim 👙 baby, swim! (Whales 🐳 swimming with dragons 🐉 - well, isn't that something?!! 🤯😂🤣) 

💢Ok, I digress ☺️😁😆 There are also many whom we've affectionately called "guppies" in the Triple Cabin Extravaganza who are also expected to go swimming with their German Bonds, yodeling away and swimming with their Dragons. Oh what fun! 💦🩳👙💦 Swim, guppies, swim!! 🙌 

💢 Other world news - Iraq Great Daddy-O Big Chief Camp Directors 👑 are still waiting for USA to announce - "We've Got The Gold" - as in USN before their rate is officially declared, for all the world 🌍 to see. With political maneuvers happening in USA currently, we are hoping this occurs quite soon. The US financial market must be in full compliance to transact funds in gold backed assets. The readiness for this is being prepared now. 😉

💢Back to more happy news for the "Admiralias Renocerous The Great", Quarter Back Extraordinaire 🏈 - his Great Score shall fund adjudicated 🚜 Farmer Claims, The Family of Elders and Triple Cabin Extravaganza platforms. I'm also hearing that CMKX adjudicated funds will be 💦 drenched 💦 at the same time and it all could go very quickly. ➡️ You'll recall that these Happy Camper Landmarks were what I called "Non-negotiables" and unless we saw them and passed them on the Happy Camper Hiking 🥾 Trail, we'd be waiting for our adventure. Welp, Campers, it looks like we're finally here! 😁 It could truly happen in a matter of days. Happy Trails are here, baby!! Pack your gear 🏕️ 🥾 so you don't get behind! Bring your 🩳🏖️👙 so you can swim💦! My best guess is that Quadruple Thrills Campground will be open for the "guppies" and rest of us within days after the Triple Cabin Extravaganza Camping Crew is 💦 through with their Happy 2024 Adventure of a Lifetime. 😁 

💢 Friendly reminder - all German "yodelers" and Yellow "Dragon 🐉" swimming enthusiasts and Zimbabwe trophy 🏆 holders must go to a Redemption Center to redeem your treasures. This includes ALL Happy Camper Historical Bonds. 😁


WOLVERINE All banks have credited the transactions released yesterday into their accounts. Now we just need to send the notifications to tho...