Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ. Joined by Fernando of ATB. 05/21/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning everyone! Hope you all have a blessed day!

Member: May 21st 1932, Amelia Earhart Historic Flight

Member: What good news do you have today Mark???

Member: Mark - are we still on track for this month? getting harder and harder to stay positive

MZ: We know that the budget has passed with $162 billion. It was $153 B last year. I am still looking for more pieces of it. There is plenty in the news showing us it is passed….but I have yet to find where they are covering a budget shortfall with a rate  I was told to expect something within days of it being passed. 

Member: Its interesting they are saying billions and not trillions for their budget totals.  They must have a rate hike? Right?

MZ: You are getting it. We are just trying to piece together “what is that rate?”

MZ: Buckle up guys….it will continue to be a weird week. 

MZ: But with the budget passed this means Erbil and oil sales started again in the Kurdish region …..which is big. 

Member: And if I remember right – all the oil sales funds go to Iraq now…and not to the Federal Reserve?

MZ: Have a couple of positive comments from 2 contractors in Iraq that believe they will see their rate this week for their projects. . 

MZ: Very quiet on the bond and banking side. People are positioned and they have done a tremendous job shutting down leaks. Good for the process but sucks for us. 

MZ: “Several States take steps to block a central bank digital currency” This article is from money metals. Which states have already passed clear and solid legislation to block it? Nebraska, Alabama, N. Dakota, Florida and Georgia have passed laws. We are up to about 8 states now to remove the ability to use a CBDC.. The question is can the Federal Government still force it down their throats? 

Member: Dear God let more states join that group…..We must not let them win

MZ: This is a war. It’s a battle of resets. I very much believe we will win.

MZ: “ Russia confiscates 800 million from Deutsche Bank, IniCredit and Commerce Bank” I am not surprised. Russian has had billions seized…..This will have many repercussion in the banking world over the next few days. 

MZ: Gold price in China is $2,485 and the silver price is $36.26. Silver is close to another limit in Shanghai. These are pressures from competing …..Comex , London and them selling and the difference between real physical metal and paper. And the premium that comes with it. This will force a proper valuation of metals as they do this in Shangai…as they do this in China. People will go to sell their metals there instead of here. 

MZ: I believe we are watching things all come together at one time…..imo. . 

MZ: Here is an exciting one for most of the world. “Klaus Swab –now 86 will transition to a role as non-executive chairman “ But we are told he has seeding his organization with his evil offspring and should not be many changes with the globalist agenda and to take up the tyrannical new world order torch.  Swabs children were appointed to high ranking positions. I am surprised ZeroHedge is till around as they have certainly gone after the globalists. . 

Member: What do you think the new rate for Iraq will be?

MZ: I could be wrong but, I think the rate will start about $3.90 or so. But we are totally guessing. . 

Member: what do you think the Iranian rial will be worth after the RV?

Member: it used to be estimated to be less than the IQD….but not by much?

JMember: ust got a message from a friend In Florida we went to the bank there and they told him his house had been paid off and he asked about credit cards and they said that’s coming. 

MZ: I love to hear that.

​​Member: I talked to the bank concerning losing house in June, I explained about the currency i have. bank lady said, "interesting, let me speak with my boss, get back to you in a few days." I'm hopeful!

Member: We have another 3 day weekend coming, hopefully our last 3 day weekend. Ready to really get to work and make Earth a better place 

Member: hi Mark, your kindness & encouragement helps us thru our rough days. just wanted you to know that.

There is a guest on today from ATB. Listen to the replay for their information and opinions. 


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Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medi


 Birdieorbust, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire, offers a valuable update. 5.21.24 

💢 Birdie: Well, things are happening in Iraq that they are not letting us in on; and the Iranian thing was needed.

Iranian leaders were not for the RV, they love the almighty US dollar and tried to steal it from Iraq every chance they got. The death of the leader of Iran will make things go faster and, in my opinion, it was planned for that purpose, it was no accident. But saying all that, they are moving forward using the budget in Iraq so it is only a matter of time before we hear the rate change which is included in that budget. The other issue has been they are trying to keep it from Parliament as long as they can so therefore we do not hear it because of that.

Parliament still has some people who would love to foil this RV as well, but Sudani is smart and will do it at the best time possible for it to be successful for all. The citizens are being told more things than we are hearing in articles etc... It cannot be that much longer now.

CBI Meeting with World Bank Vietnam in Trouble? Maybe BY SANDY INGRAM

How Will Raisi's Death Affect Oil Prices?, 21 MAY

 How Will Raisi's Death Affect Oil Prices?

Economy |  05/20/2024   Mawazine News _ Baghdad   Igor Yushkov, an expert at the Financial University and the National Energy Security Fund in Russia, said that the death of the Iranian president may cause some fluctuations in the oil market, with some slight rise in prices.

This came according to Igor Yushkov’s statements to the “Novosti” agency, where he said: “There may be some fluctuations in the oil market, and there may be a slight rise in prices in the first moments, but I think it will return later, and in general we will not witness a rise in general.”

According to him, the possible escalation of the conflict in the Middle East could have a significant impact on prices if it turns out that a “third force” is involved in Raisi’s death. However, Yushkov believes that this option is unlikely, and believes that the matter will be considered an “accident” and is unlikely to have a significant impact on the oil market.

Brent crude prices rose as of 11:47 Moscow time by 0.05%, and futures contracts for July delivery are trading at about $84 per barrel. 




The Blockchain Act: 3 More Steps To Financial Freedom

Locked & Loaded: With blockchain, your money is locked up tight. No hackers, no scammers, no funny business. It's like having a 24/7 bodyguard for your bank account.

The Speeding Bullet: Forget waiting days for your money to move. Blockchain transactions are fast, secure, and convenient.  Getting paid and paying others in extremely quickly.

Bye-bye, Big Banks: Blockchain puts the power back in the hands of the people. No more relying on those suits in the high-rises to handle your dough. You're in control now. So be wise with yoir decisions. 

Transparency Is Key: Blockchain is like an open book. Everyone can see what's going down, but nobody can mess with it. That means no shady dealings or backdoor schemes.

Uncle Sam In The Crosshairs: With blockchain, the government can't just print money like it's going out of style. This helps keep inflation in check, so your cash doesn't lose its value. Factor in the gold standard and you are basically invincible. 


Basel 3/4

Comes 589


We will have all the tools in the world to secure our financial independence. 

This was passed by a 334-79 majority. Any political figure caught trying to vote against this will be voted out of office. It will be plain as day for those who want to keep the American people in financial turmoil. 

Now I see why D. Trump is now supporting crypto/digital age. Everything will be tokenized. I people who prefer cssh/paper will not be disregarded in lieu of exclusive digital money like the Federal Reserve CBDC agenda.

Because everything will be on Blockchain. So it will be a monumental change in how our money is managed. 


Iraqi Dinar - FACTS - RTGS - EO 13303 - Non-Oil - Revenues - Exchange Ra...by MILITIAMAN



  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   

FIREFLY:  Sudani didn't say anything about the rate inside of the budget.  They didn't say a word.  COM didn't say anything.  COM saw the budget with Sudani.  We see them sitting there and they're looking it over but nothing is announced except the approval and that it's going to the House of Parliament now.  

FRANK:  You know very well what' going on.  He will protect the budget until the very last nano second.

  FIREFLY:  The news has that specialist...talking about the best way to fill in the gap for the dinar and the dollar (illegal market).  He's telling us the best thing for it to do this is to float...Saleh now talking saying the CBI is the only one that can control this needed float. 

 FRANK:  They're going to float your currency because with a float they can come out at a higher rate than 1 to 1...this is a reinstatement of your exchange rate...The fact that they're talking about floating all day long...is because this is the next step in the monetary reform.  Once they give you the new exchange rate and your new currency seconds later your currency will start to float...on international platforms
