Saturday, May 11, 2024

A debate over the word populist in the UK with Nancy Pelosi as a guest ...BY PIMPY

Budget Delay: The Cry For Help For Paralyzed Services And Disrupted Dreams, 11 MAY

 Budget Delay: The Cry For Help For Paralyzed Services And Disrupted Dreams

May 9, 2024  Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: In light of the delay in approving the federal state budget for 2024, Iraq faces major challenges in the field of public services and infrastructure.

The size of the proposed budget is about 228 trillion dinars, and includes more than 1,300 development and service projects.

According to Iraqi law, the budget must be approved three months before the end of the fiscal year. It is expected that the budget items will be voted on in the Council of Ministers soon, and then they will be sent to Parliament for study and a final vote.

In June 2023, the Iraqi Parliament voted on the federal budget law for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025, which is a historic step for the country. However, the budget faces delays due to disagreements regarding the value of projects and the level of investment spending, and also due to disagreements in the allocations of ministries and governorate budgets that are not linked to the region.

The Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament holds the government responsible for the delay in sending the budget to the Council for study and final vote, as the committee needs to know the details of the financial disbursement and the laws that have been added to the budget.

The continuing delays in approving the budget raise fears of irrational spending and corruption in upcoming projects, as some reports indicate that there are parties aiming to benefit from the huge funds through the ministries under their control or through front projects.

Reliable sources indicate that some Iraqi parties are enthusiastic about approving the budget for the current year 2024. This enthusiasm is due to obtaining funding, as some parties control important government ministries, and approving the budget means ensuring the continued flow of funds to these ministries, allowing them to implement projects and programs that serve their interests and bases. Electoral .

Major budget projects, such as infrastructure projects, are used as a tool to distribute benefits to contractors and companies linked to some parties, which contributes to enhancing their influence and influence.

Iraq faces serious challenges in the field of development and improving infrastructure, and delaying the approval of the budget reinforces these challenges and hinders the country’s progress towards sustainable development and the well-being of citizens.

The Iraqi government and parliament must work quickly and adopt appropriate decisions to complete the budget and implement projects. Reuters: Delaying the Iraqi budget hinders the implementation of projects and opens the door to corruption.



Interesting Timing We Have Here: Look who's late to the party. They found out what the Iraqi Dinar is going to be worth and now want to buy them back. I wonder why this program will end on May 31st? Because if you read this article it reports that the Iraqi Dinar became a registered security with the 1st one printed today. Goldilocks even reported on this article basically saying the Iraqi Dinar can be bought/sold as a registered security at the end of May. "A federal-covered security can be legally sold in a state once the proper documents and filing fee are submitted. Sales may occur on the day SEC registration is effective or when the notice filing was filed, whichever occurred last." Now does this mean we can expect a rate change by the end of the month? Not sure. But I definitely wouldn't be surprised given that the parallel market is almost at the official price set by the CBI. Which makes this buy back program pertinent and convenient. Because this also means that dealers or vendors that sell the IQD may run low on supply soon. And they may miss their opportunity to invest in the currency which is why they are offering to purchase them back if stocks are already running low. I'll let you know when I find more on this situation.


Iraq Has The Tenth Worst Economic Growth In The World During The Last 5 Years, 11 MAY

Iraq Has The Tenth Worst Economic Growth In The World During The Last 5 Years

Economy  05-10-2024 | 404 views  Al-Sumaria News - Economy

Iraq ranked highly globally among the countries with the least economic growth during the last 5 years, while poor economic growth was concentrated in the countries of Africa and the Middle East due to Corona and then the conflicts that have existed so far.

And solveIraqIt is ranked 10th globally out of 190 countries around the world, as the tenth worst country in terms of economic growth during the years between 2020 and 2024.  LINK

Iraq's economic growth during these last five years reached negative 0.8, ranking tenth globally, and the third worst Arab economic growth afterSudanAnd Yemen.

And she cameSudanIt ranked first as the worst country in terms of economic growth between 2020 and 2024, reaching negative 5.6%.

On the contrary, Albania ranked last on the list of countries with poor economic growth, which makes it first in the world in terms of economic growth during 2020 to 2024, with a growth   LINK


Ginger's LIBERTY Lounge, [18 638 vistas, 05/11/2024, 1:33:56 a. m.]:

 What's Going On With Iraq ? What's the hold up? 

~ 5.10.24 PM Intel received - late night 

Family, I have an urgent update to share with you and I've been given permission to pass this on but I must keep the source anonymous. I cannot put my friend nor their relatives in danger. This is an extremely valuable update from a very credible source.

Anonymous Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire:

Dear Ginger, My (family member / Gin is withholding the relationship details for security) in (Middle Eastern county withheld by Gin) says that Iraq is now waiting for the USN to become the newly announced official currency in the USA. Iraq does not want Fiat currencies floating around because it will create a new layer of intermingling (of monies).

They are tired of waiting and complying and doing what is asked of them (as a sovereign country), and want the US to also complete what is required of them - and to follow through with what they've promised.

He said that meetings at the US Embassy in Amman indicate a bit of irritation on the Iraqi side because the USN was supposed to be announced on the day that Al Sudani returned to Baghdad. Al Sudani was not happy that he had promised the Iraqis "a beautiful surprise" when he got back. 

He was counting on the US to fulfill the promise of the USN but he had to eat his words vis-a-vis before the Iraqi public; and even now, he continues to wait. As you can see, this is not a happy position for him to be in. 

That's where we are now. Otherwise, all is good I believe. ❤️

Ginger: When my friend told me more about this relative who is very connected to the inner workings inside Middle Eastern governments, they had this to add: "Yes yes, please share. Please keep sources hidden as he is having difficulty staying safe, various threats on his life. Poor guy". 😕 

This is the reason why I will not compromise my source - not even if someone claims, "How can we believe without knowing who is reporting this?" Sorry - compromising their safety isn't worth your general curiosity, to me. Take it or leave it. But I believe my contact with everything that's in me. And this gives a very helpful perspective as to "what's holding this up? What's taking so long?" 

From a Celestial Alliance standpoint, I'm also getting confirmation that the USA complying with the USN announcement is strictly based on the powers-that-be - within the military alliance - those at the highest level, are determining the opportune time, as there are significant layers to these operations. But things are very positive and looking really good. This is confirmed and vetted information.

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge, Ambassador for God's Abundance with the Celestial Alliance / posted 1:33 AM EST 5.11.24

Dxguy7, [9 075 vistas, 05/11/2024, 1:34:19 a. m.]:

My husband took this - ...

Answered all you question from this video now you know about the exchangE RATE BY PIMPY