MP on the law: Budget schedules will be decided in the coming days and parliamentary elections will not be postponed
He added, "The Personal Status Law was approved by everyone, while the General Amnesty and Return of Real Estate laws were not approved, and were passed according to a political agreement and not through a parliamentary vote."
Regarding the budget, Nouri explained that "a vote was taken to amend Article 12 of it, and the government has begun amending the schedules, and it is likely to be sent in the coming few days, and it will be voted on in full during the current month.
" He denied "the existence of any Shiite discourse that adopts terrorism, stressing that all parties do not believe in terrorism at all," attributing "the confusion of the provincial councils to the fragility of alliances."
Nouri explained that "its formations came away from central agreements, and were not formed on the basis of solid alliances emanating from the decision-making center in Baghdad," noting that "some governorates launched projects, while others were preoccupied with disputes, which hindered the implementation of projects, and the government is forced to provide financial allocations."
He stressed that "there is money in Iraq; however, there is a financial deficit, most of which is imaginary and paper and not real," calling on the Ministry of Finance to "invest the funds of non-oil outlets to support the federal budget."
Nouri expected that "the upcoming elections will negatively affect the provincial councils governed by political mood," stressing that "the elections will not be postponed, because they are a constitutional right, and the government and political forces are ready to enter this arena on its scheduled date."
Regarding the elections law, the representative of the State of Law revealed that "three proposals have been put forward, that the law be {with multiple electoral districts, or large districts with two districts except for Basra and Nineveh with three districts, or go to the 20-80 proposal}."
He pointed out that "many political forces were harmed by the small districts law, and that all these proposals will be presented to the members of the House of Representatives for discussion."
Nouri concluded that "the current election law has produced inconsistent provincial councils."
Wafaa Al-Fatlawi